Sunday, March 05, 2006

Tired just tired.

I am very tired lately. This last week has been a struggle just to get out of bed. I do have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and this week has been the worst it has ever been. Yesterday we went for a drive to Strathclyde Park. Lovely place, took Jerry Lee of course. Try as I might I could not walk far. CFS is not fun I can assure you. Just lifting a foot up and it feels like lifting a heavy weight. Just a very bad day and week.
The park was lovely, the day sunny but the wind was bitterly cold. We had forgotten to bring a camera, we like to take photos of Jerry Lee so missed some great shots of him. There is a lake at the park and it was frozen over in some areas. Surprisingly Jerry Lee paddled in the water as normally he does not like water. He did not go more than paw depth in.

Luckily nothing important as yet that is to attend to this week. Hope it is not a case of 'famous last words.'


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