Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

I decided to cook this Christmas so Tom and I did last minute shopping just for food. By the time we got to the third supermarket I changed my mind about how much cooking I was going to do. The cakes and deserts got ditched as did the turkey. I had already decided to keep the beef dish which will be great I hope. Tom picked out a frozen chicken dinner with stuffing in place of the turkey. So that justs needs to be heated up. I had planned to cook a cake for the heck of it but Tom took a packet of chocolate sponge mix of the shelf. 'This will do' he says.
This will also be the first Sunday lunch/dinner I have cooked in years as well. It will probable be so for a few years to come.
We even brought a Christmas present well two actually. One for a friend who has proved to be a good friend and a gift for her darling 3yr daughter.
As we do not normally celebrate Christmas as such this is an occasion. Is it a subconcious omen?
No matter God bless all.
Merry Christmas.


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