Thursday, November 10, 2005

Hang in there Blair

I can understand the Oppersition voting against Blair and his 90 days and the Lib Dems but Labour MPs? Not a good thing to do. Are they so caught up in their petty hatred of Blair that just to spite him they go against the voters? Many if not all polls showed that voters supported the 90 day detention for terrorists, so why go against popular feeling? Sometimes MP are worse than little kids.
All those that voted against the 90 days should read the papers with care this morning and think of those that have been killed and injured in Jordan. The suicide bombers there were brothers-in-arms of the ones from 7/7 and 9/11.
Then read on about the raids in Australia and how long it took them to build up a case. 90 days is nothing.

Some weeks agao an Irish journalist, Rory Carroll was kidnapped in Iraq I wonder what has become of the poor guy?


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