Still waiting
At the beginning of September I wrote to the local Argyll & Bute Council in fact I have written to them four times and once by a rather round-about way by telephone. All these contacts of mine asking for the same information and not once have they replied, not even to acknowledge my letters. The phone call to them was from a third party an anti-social co-ordinator who rang them more for his own benefit I think. Would you believe it they lied to him!
I have been trying to get information under the Freedom of Information Act and Data Protection. They had 20 working days in which to respond and they told the co-ordinator, whose name I can not think of at the moment, they had 40 working days and that I would hear from them by the end of the week which was last week. As if!
So what do they have to hide? Why do they ignore me?
Heck I even wrote the the person in charge of complaints and he has ignored me. One Mr Charles Reppke and when this man decideds to respond to my letterI will note it here. As for that Mr. Doogan he has my utter contempt for his attitude.
So to the next step in the saga...the Ombusdsman and local MP. I will bypass the local councillor because I do not trust him.
So for the local police well now it is on to the Boss in charge of complaints.
As for the world be very wary of Iran. It is not a counrty to be trusted, I would trust north Korea before them. Who in their right mind would trust North Korea.
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