Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The world and my world

The last few months have seen disaster after disaster. Are these the End Times of the Revelations? Or is Mother Nature just getting her own back on mankind? Or is Mother Nature helping to fulfill the prophesy of Revelations as such doing her bit to help God punish us? I am being serious as I do believe in the End of Days and that they are fast approaching. I think that nature has a life of sorts to it and that it works at the behest of God. There has to be a reason behind all these terrible events that are hitting so many countries. Hurricanes, landslides, flooding and now the earthquakes that hits not only Pakistan but India and Afghanistan as well.
Looking at these disasters in a different way could we assume that those that died are the lucky ones? They will not be here when the wars start and the world will come to know what real suffering is about. Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and America, Britain, the Scandinavian countries these countries that know no hardships as experienced by the likes of many African countries or the poverty of many third world countries will come to suffer as them. If it becomes bad for the richer countries what will conditions be like in the poorer ones? Who will be lucky them?
In my little world I went to see my solicitor to prepare for my court case going to trial. She will be attending to the police over my little matter with them. Sgt Jones you really should have acknowledged my letter. I have written for the third time to the Argyll & Bute Council for information which they seem rather reluctant to give. In fact they keep ignoring me. Are my letters being deposited in some big black hole otherwise known as a rubbish bin? Is it a case of if we ignore her for long enough she will give up? I have no intention of giving up. I explained the situation and what I wanted to my solicitor and her comment was, 'You're opening up a can of worms' okay I'm an early bird. I believe that I have been 'done wrong' by the Council and why should they not answer for it.
My poor Jerry Lee has hurt his leg and I am considering taking him to the vet. We can not figure out what is wrong with his leg. It seem okay and then at times when he gets up he yelps. He has had the problem since he was attacked...yes my poor darling was attacked. Jerry Lee is a good sized German Shephard and he is very placid perfering to mind his own business as he sniffs every nook and cranny on our walks. He was off the lead as usual, he is very obedient, we walked up to the post office where a large black dog was, it growled and Jerry stopped and growlled back in that second the black dog launched himself at Jerry and next they were rolling around on the ground. I had thought the dog was tired up. I yelled at the dog to 'get away', I almost pulled them apart...oh a really intelligent thing to do! Step in between two dogs fighting. The fight was over in moments. I put Jerry on his lead and was tying him up when the owner of the black dog came out of the post office and called him. She never said a word to me. Interesting I thought for once Jerry is not getting blamed. Dosen't the German Shep get blamed for any dispute? Jerry seemed okay which was the main thing and I could not be bothered with the owner of the black dog. And that was that. Except Jerry Lee is having a problem with his leg. So will monitor him a little longer. Perhaps he has just badly bruised himself.


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