Problems of the world
In my part of the world I worry about my dispute with the evil Council and my cat bringing in fleas. Katie Kat has been defleaed but not before she transfered some to poor Jerry Lee who is alergic to the monstrous things. Johnstons flea treatment could not hold up under the flea onslaught. It had done well up until now. Because Jerry Lee is alergic to the fleas we have been treating him on a regular basis as advised by the vet. Because Katie Kat is a kitten we have had to be careful not to posion her inadvertently with the flea treatments. Maybe she is not totally to blame, the hot weather probably helped the flea population and add to that Jerry Lee himself has not been very well. After over a week of fighting the monsters Jerry Lee was in distress again and back to the vet to get Frontline flea treatment at 20.00 pounds a go. Plus doing the whole house twice. Problem solved!
Well kind of...Katie Kat has a runny nose, so we had better keep an eye on her.
In other parts of the world Iraqi looks to be heading for civil war. The Lebanon is paying the price for permitting Hezbollah on is lands. Syria and Iran watching the situation with great interest I would think.
My problems could be worse.
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