Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Council again

Last week I wrote a second letter to the Cheif Executive of the Council and still no acknowledgement of either letter. Even if he were on holidays someone should be attending to his mail. Are these people so up themselves that they treat with contempt perceived lesser mortals? If the person at the top is like that, is it no wonder that the staff have the same atitude?
As I believe in Karma and an afterlife, I try to look on the bright side...they will get their just deserts. As I will too. Attitude is Karma fodder. How you treat others brings its own rewards. Who says that rewards have to be good for you.

It is hard to be nice to some people and also be understanding. At times I beat myself up about it which is just adding stress to my life and is a stupid thing to do anyway.

My kitten who has had a name change to Katie Kat is getting braver by the day. She has a facination for the ears of Jerry Lee the GSD. She loves to lick them and lick them and lick till they are sopping wet or he growls or gets up. She frequently ambushes him and attacks his legs biting them. Jerry Lee either walks on with her hanging off him, shacking his leg to get rid of her or if she bites too hard, growls. The growl does it everytime, shes off. He has grown used to her now and lets her curl up with him. So I do not think he will hurt her.


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