Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Response

The Council or rather J. McLellan has replied to my letters. So now he is looking into the matter. I expect nothing from him as he is the head of a useless and corrupt Council. If he is not aware of how his depatments are run... Now I wait.

The last couple of days the sun has made an appearance, so I expect it will rain at the weekend.

Katie Kat is once again braving the outside world, iif is fun to watch her as she carefully stalks through the neighour's long grass that was once a lawn. I have had to keep an eye on a the resident neighbourhood cat. A large black and white tom that acts like it owns all the gardens around and maybe he does as I have not seen another cats. He has been watching Katie Kat from a distance rather intently. Still being a kitten and female she is not a threat as yet to him. Got to get her neutered soon.


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