The council
I have not had anything more from the Council regarding my complaint and it has been over a month, more than enough time form them or rather the Chief executive to have come to a decision. So I have written again. They have one week then I will make an appeal to the Ombubsman.
Katie Kat has grown just a little bit bigger and she is not as bandylegged. Her front legs are a little bowed but they do not stop her from leaping tall buildings. She had discovered that she can leap up onto the kitchen work surfaces. My one fear being her getting onto the stove top.
She has tried to get into the oven when I have opened the door to take out cooking, she does not seem to register the heat coming out and I have had to push her away quite firmly. Try to stop her from doing something and it seems to make her want to do it more. She now curls up with Jerry Lee, who will tollerate her for awhile before getting up and moving away only for her to follow him and curl up once again.
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