My Saga goes on...
My little matter with that women Giles goes to court. On the charge sheet there is no mention of threatening to kill her and there damn well shouldn't be as I never did. I am an ordained Minister of Religion so it most definitely would not be right for me to say such a thing. So it is a breach of the peace with threatening behaviour? Putting them in fear of their lives. What a crock of s***. I am determined that this will go to trial and I pray that all goes well for me. This nasty women and her lying spawn have to be shown for what they are.
Now to find a half way decent lawyer or one I can trust.
I have not received any acknowledgement from Sgt Jones regarding my letter which is very rude and inconsiderate of him. He should have acknowledge me, that was all I wanted then. Now it is a different matter. He will regret his rudeness.
I have received an acknowledgement from the Council to say they have received my letter and are attending to it. They had no choice but to answer. I wait with interest.
I have also written a letter to the Criminal Social Dept, Tom's ex law firm and my local Member for parliament
I am looking at ways to deal with those bully boys of Giles. Will speaks to my lawyer when I get one which will be next week.
Life is going to get very tiring for me. I do have Chromic Fatigue syndrome and it is damn inconvenient.
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