Monday, October 31, 2005

Still waiting

At the beginning of September I wrote to the local Argyll & Bute Council in fact I have written to them four times and once by a rather round-about way by telephone. All these contacts of mine asking for the same information and not once have they replied, not even to acknowledge my letters. The phone call to them was from a third party an anti-social co-ordinator who rang them more for his own benefit I think. Would you believe it they lied to him!
I have been trying to get information under the Freedom of Information Act and Data Protection. They had 20 working days in which to respond and they told the co-ordinator, whose name I can not think of at the moment, they had 40 working days and that I would hear from them by the end of the week which was last week. As if!
So what do they have to hide? Why do they ignore me?
Heck I even wrote the the person in charge of complaints and he has ignored me. One Mr Charles Reppke and when this man decideds to respond to my letterI will note it here. As for that Mr. Doogan he has my utter contempt for his attitude.
So to the next step in the saga...the Ombusdsman and local MP. I will bypass the local councillor because I do not trust him.
So for the local police well now it is on to the Boss in charge of complaints.

As for the world be very wary of Iran. It is not a counrty to be trusted, I would trust north Korea before them. Who in their right mind would trust North Korea.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Police yeah some are nice

Much to my surprise a policeman has been of help. On his own time because he wanted to do the right thing so to speak. He thought certain things were a heap of rubbish. He seemed to think that we were somewhat hard done by. Unfortunately I can not name him. Bosses and workmates that sort of thing. He even gave me a little insight into other police; no he did not denigrate them, he supported his mates without supporting some of their actions which were based on various factors. He did not have to speak to me or Tom but it was really nice of him and we thank him again for his consideration.
I do anticipate more involvement with the police but using my new knowledge to my advantage who knows?

I have not been too well this last week, problems with high blood pressure for one. My doctor changed my medication and it felt the roof fell on me.
Headaches, more like migraine which I do not get, explosion like feelings under the skin, nausea, dizziness, vision problems like turn my head and my eyesight takes its time to catch up, not good at all and then there were the nightmares like you would not believe. I would have done my best to stay awake but I also had overwhelming tiredness to go with it all. I managed to put up with it for four days thinking that I could get through the change over of medication but it was just getting worse...So.
All stopped except minor headaches when I without consulting the doctor stopped my new medication and took a couple of my old tablets. I went back to the doctors. Blood tests and an ECG ordered. What a darn nuisance but have to go through it all. At the moment we do not have a car so I have a two hour trip to get to the nearest hospital which involves both bus and train.
This time next month I anticipate having a car then the trip will only be approximately 45 mins.

A more important matter is the kidnapping of the Irish journalist Rory Carroll in Iraq. It is well documented what happens to those that are kidnapped. What can you say? It is not right.
God protect him and give him strength.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Quite day.

Today all has been quite. A nice uneventful day. Unlike what is happening in Russian a small incident involving Chechnyans again. A small army of them invading a town called Nalchic. These rebel Muslin invaders even took hostages in a gift shop. A gift shop??? What is that all about? It is Beslane again. 109 people have been reported killed in the town. The invaders have either been killed or driven out back to where ever they came from. It has not made world headlines this event which has lasted about a week but it is another incident in the long dispute between Russia and the rebels who want a totally Muslim Chechnya. Before Beslane where they had taken over a school holding hundreds of children hostages of which about a hundred died, there was the takeover of a cinema with hundreds of hostages, again hundreds dying when the building was stormed unfortunatley many as a result of the gas used by the Russian army but it was used in a closed space and the deaths were not antisipated. My point is it is another example of Muslim terrorist acting everywhere and it will not end.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

A letter...If only...

I started to write a letter the other day, one that I will not be post. I did not get to finish it but I have kept what there is of it on file. I like what I wrote and if I had the nerve...
I told my husband that I had started writing it and I mentioned a couple of snippits of it before he just about went into a blue fit. "Stop! Do not write any more and what ever you do, do not send it!"
"Oh why not?" I asked so innocently.

He glared at me, "Do I had to answer that?"
Do you ever in your mind write a letter to someone that you just cann't no matter how mush you would like to, send to that person? A letter to someone in authority perhaps or in a position to hinder you, someone that stuffed up in some office causing you a problem? Some who works for the council who you would like to slap in the face with a wet fish?
It is so unfair that you can not write a letter really expressing your feelings without causing more problems, for yourself that is.

Well this is my letter as far as I got writing it and it was the first draft, written as I was thinking and typing from the heart. The names have to be altered just to etc etc etc.

Mr. ***id **e,
A.. H.. M..,
H.. S...,
00 ..... Street,
*** ***

Dear Mr. **e,
On Friday 7th October 2005 my life was threatened by one John Grace whom had I believe been stalking me for a week. Notwithstanding that I had no witness, I reported him to the local police at Headlessloch who naturally could do nothing and because it is me I do not expect any help from them. But at least I have it on record. Grace had also spoken to me on Friday 30th September 2005 but I had not understood what he said. He had just walked passed my house and we met at the top of the steps. I was quite shocked to see him. During the week I saw him on three more occasions prior to the Friday 7th incident. Why am I informing you?
John Grace a close friend of that evil woman Gillian Giles of $ Torture Mill, Sornearth, whom at her behest in the past had threatened to kill and maim both myself and my husband Tom. That particular incident took place on Tuesday 22nd March 2005. An incident that we informed you of and which if you had spoken to Lilly Lantry, would have confirmed. It is my belief that you never spoke to her. Be informed John Grace is a dangerous man.
On Monday 10th October 2005 was the first court hearing of an allegation of my ‘threatening to kill’, guess who…GillianGiles! I categorically deny threatening her or saying any such thing to her. I believe that Grace was trying to intimidate me into pleading guilty so that that she-devil can use it as a means by which to once again drive me out of my house. I have no doubt you will/would believe every word she says.
Her tactics worked with Tom and your department backed her all the way. Well it will not work with me! I have done nothing! This time I will not go belly up for anyone.
On Tuesday 16th August 2005 I got on the bus at Headlessloch. That woman and her devil spawned lying daughter whose every lie you believed were on the bus. I said to her that I would never forgive her and for the record I will never forgive you either.

That was all I got written thanks to Tom, I thought better of it and lost interest in finishing it.

But just consider the fun if people really wrote what they thought. If politians said in speeches what they really meant and not what they had to say.
'You lot I am gonna raise taxes whether you like it or not. Hey Health Board get off the case we need people to smoke cann't you get that in your thick heads? We need the dammed taxes from the cigerettes, they make us millions! Same applies to the booze! Where do you think we will get all this money from otherwise. Don't come the holy with us, you need smokers and boozers just like us and include the motorists as well. They all keep you in dammed good jobs.'

Well there is fun and there is fun.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The world and my world

The last few months have seen disaster after disaster. Are these the End Times of the Revelations? Or is Mother Nature just getting her own back on mankind? Or is Mother Nature helping to fulfill the prophesy of Revelations as such doing her bit to help God punish us? I am being serious as I do believe in the End of Days and that they are fast approaching. I think that nature has a life of sorts to it and that it works at the behest of God. There has to be a reason behind all these terrible events that are hitting so many countries. Hurricanes, landslides, flooding and now the earthquakes that hits not only Pakistan but India and Afghanistan as well.
Looking at these disasters in a different way could we assume that those that died are the lucky ones? They will not be here when the wars start and the world will come to know what real suffering is about. Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and America, Britain, the Scandinavian countries these countries that know no hardships as experienced by the likes of many African countries or the poverty of many third world countries will come to suffer as them. If it becomes bad for the richer countries what will conditions be like in the poorer ones? Who will be lucky them?
In my little world I went to see my solicitor to prepare for my court case going to trial. She will be attending to the police over my little matter with them. Sgt Jones you really should have acknowledged my letter. I have written for the third time to the Argyll & Bute Council for information which they seem rather reluctant to give. In fact they keep ignoring me. Are my letters being deposited in some big black hole otherwise known as a rubbish bin? Is it a case of if we ignore her for long enough she will give up? I have no intention of giving up. I explained the situation and what I wanted to my solicitor and her comment was, 'You're opening up a can of worms' okay I'm an early bird. I believe that I have been 'done wrong' by the Council and why should they not answer for it.
My poor Jerry Lee has hurt his leg and I am considering taking him to the vet. We can not figure out what is wrong with his leg. It seem okay and then at times when he gets up he yelps. He has had the problem since he was attacked...yes my poor darling was attacked. Jerry Lee is a good sized German Shephard and he is very placid perfering to mind his own business as he sniffs every nook and cranny on our walks. He was off the lead as usual, he is very obedient, we walked up to the post office where a large black dog was, it growled and Jerry stopped and growlled back in that second the black dog launched himself at Jerry and next they were rolling around on the ground. I had thought the dog was tired up. I yelled at the dog to 'get away', I almost pulled them apart...oh a really intelligent thing to do! Step in between two dogs fighting. The fight was over in moments. I put Jerry on his lead and was tying him up when the owner of the black dog came out of the post office and called him. She never said a word to me. Interesting I thought for once Jerry is not getting blamed. Dosen't the German Shep get blamed for any dispute? Jerry seemed okay which was the main thing and I could not be bothered with the owner of the black dog. And that was that. Except Jerry Lee is having a problem with his leg. So will monitor him a little longer. Perhaps he has just badly bruised himself.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Police will they help???

I have turned to the police for help and as I do not have a witness to back me up there is not a lot they can do..So Officer L132(?) did not catch his number clearly. But he was reasonable those rather disconcerting that he knew of me. I am on some sort of list in the police station, wish I had perused that but my mind was on other matters. Like a death threat! I suspect my arch enemy Gillian Giles is behind it. One of her "bully boys" a thug by the name of John Grace, (I had thought his name was Gray) has been around my area all week walking passed my home a few times, he had spoken to me once but I did not understand what he said. To night he was at a bus stop near my home and as I walked passed with Jerry Lee he spoke to me again. 'Wait till I get you in a dark lane' was his opening line. Uh duh! He will stop my crap...? Put a hole in Tom! Get him in a back lane. Those were just the openers. I can only assume that it has been instigated by Giles and as the first hearing date for our current problem is on Monday and I have pleaded not guilty to all charges. There is no other reason for him to be around.
This time there was something about his attitude that worried me. I did not get into any discussion with him, I left him at the bus stop and headed straight to the police station. I did not care that I had no witness I just wanted it noted/recorded/anything.
The Officer explained that all he could do was speak to the person. I was calling 'bully boy' John Grey and it was only when I mentioned that he had once owned a tattoo shop in Helensburgh that the policeman said he had had dealing with him and his name was Grace. The name rang a bell for me. Mr Police Officer said he would speak to Grace and call me.
I am hoping that the police will realize that I am the one being threatened and intimidated.
I want my case to go to trial as I am so hoping that all will unfold and show what an evil person Gillian Giles is and that her devil spawn daughter Terri will be shown for the lying little monster that she is.
I am worried about this John Grace as I think that going to the police may infuriate him and I do not want him to hurt Tom.
Monday I will phone the council and report the matter.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The countdown

Ever the pessimist I have been reading my Nostradamus again mainly because it is getting nearer to 2006 which I think is going to be a very horrible year. 2006 adds to an 8 which is not a good number in the West but it is a good luck number in the East, Chinese love it. War with China? No that is in the future, about seven years from now. First we got to survive 2006 and then it is down hill all the way.
A comet is meant to turn up sometime in December and hang around until March next year, if it does then I will really worry. This comet is a bad omen, sometimes they can be good omens.
There could very well be an attack on the White House and I hope that Bush has his will drawn up and all his insurance up to date. I am assuming also that He is Mabus. Got to assume quite a bit. Some interpreters of Nostradamus think that Mabus is a bad guy and may even be the Antichrist, I do not think so. Mabus does not last long but he is someone of importance. The Antichrist has to last for most of the war and it will be quite a few years so I rule Mabus out as him. I think he is Bush, there was an American Ambassador with the surname Mabus which make me think that it has to be an American who is represented by the name. Bush is a good bet.
First the comet and then we shall see. Watch this space.
My ongoing feud with that Giles women will pale into insignificance. I live in hope of vindication.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

No replies

Am I being ignored? Does the Argyll & Bute Council think that damned women perhaps she will go away or die. My only reply to the letter I sent them was to be informed that it had been pasted onto someone else to deal with. According to their rules as per their website he has 28 days in which to respond to me. Now when will that time be up? When will he claim he received the letter? Is that when the 28 days start or when Mr R received the letter? I will give them five more days, which should cover it. Why do they leave it to the last day? Why can they not deal with a request straight away. I do find it a little hard to believe that they are so busy. In Australia I used to work for the Family Court and that was really busy yet people could expect request answered and dealt within 7 days max.
No Councils in the UK are a law unto themselves so to speak.

One of the Giles' bully boys John Grey, I met today as he passed my house and he spoke to me. Wish I knew what he said. I just did not understand a word of what he said, it is his Scottish accent it is so unintelligible. So what was he doing in the lane? My house is in a lane and not a main road or such. He is not the sort of person my neighbours would associate with, the ones that I have seen anyway. Does he now live in this village? Or was he checking out my home? I posed these questions and more to my Tom and rather exsaperated he said 'Give it a break!'
So I will....for now!