Thursday, September 05, 2013

More to life

Lately my life has been evolving around my GSD Redd but now I have decided to do something.   With this in mind I have applied for my ILA  or Individual Learning Account.   There are a lot of courses I can do and the Government will pay for them.   Now I am looking for something not too far away as travel will have to be by public transport.    Will get me out the house and get my mind working again.   I have been so bored lately and discontented, I do not expect a course to suddenly make me feel on top of the world but it can only help.
I have even been going to the local library again and took out a couple of books at random just to read something different.   One book was okay a detective the other I just had to put aside I am not fond of horror stories.   Supernatural horror is okay but Amytville oh no too spooky for me.


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