Friday, August 19, 2005

Now it is my turn

I have been charged with 'a breach of the peace' which I kind of saw coming but not it being threatening to kill'. Now that caught me by surprise and quite shocked me. My nemesis Gillian Giles is the accuser and lo and behold she has witnesses????
I have had one upset after another these last weeks and I am finding it harder to do anything. Tom thought that a day out with friends would do me the world of good. So we organized to go with a friend Susan and her lovely little daughter Tyler to a Safari park. As we do not have a car we hired one so I went to collect it. Got on the bus to go to Helensburgh to collect it and who should be on the bus but Gillian and her devil's spawn, Terri. Terri laughed out loud on seeing me and they both laughed together and whispering. Of course me being paranoid guessed that I was the topic of conversation.
Well just before we arrived at my stop I got up and leaned over to them and asked if they were having a good day, Gillian replied "F*** O**". To which I replied that I had not forgiven nor forgotten her and one day she will answer. She cut me off before I could finish my sentence. Though I doubt she would have understood my meaning, she will answer to God.
I then stupidly lightly patted Terri on the head asking her how was she? Her face crinkled up.
Gillian yelled "You touch my daughter again and I will kill you!"
I looked at Teri and said, "are you going to cry? Then cry." She didn't.
Gillian "you're psychotic"
Me. "Yes I am."
Gillian "You're going to die."
Me. "Yes I know."
Then the bus stopped and I got off. I turned back just in case she got off and thumped me from behind. Well they got off and headed to another bus, with Gillian yelling. "I will get you kicked out, I am not the one who had to leave. I will tell everyone what you did."
I walked away.
So I get charged for yelling in the street and threatening to kill her.
When the police charged me I told them that she had threatened me but I never reported it ..(a) I don't trust the police and did not expect them to take any notice. Learnt from past experience. (b) I had not thought to check for witnesses and besides I did not know anyone there.
As you can guess they, that is Sargeant Jones and his co-hort did not like my comment. "Tar us with the same brush." he said. "Yes" was my reply. Kind of went down hill from there. I telling them I had had enough of this life, next time I will just kill myself. The co-hort told me to "Go ahead and do it," Which made me gasp. Then they both left very hurriedly. I went to the kitchen and took three tablets and scared the hell out of Tom..Poor love. I was not intending to do anything, I just wanted to go to sleep. I am just so exhausted.
A few months back, Tom's brother Neil and a friend of his Rab were going to another mates place when they were stopped by Sargeant Jones and a co-hort. Neil and Rab were searched for drugs...They had been smoking a joint as they walked along the road and Rab had a block of hash on him. Neil a couple of joint in his pocket. These two law enforcers Sgt Jones and co-hort naturally took they drugs, Sgt Jones broke a small piece of the block and gave the small piece back to Rab. He did not charge them with anything and he let them go. Neil was pissed off he didn't get one of his joints back.
But my question is what did Sgt Jones and his co-hort do with the joints and block of harsh??? Is it no wonder that the local Strathclyde police can not be trusted.
On a funny not, at the G8 conference a couple of policemen were caught reading porn in a police van when they should have been on duty. The funny part is that they are two my local police and I wonder which ones?

When fate brings the Antichrist I expect that Gillian and devils spawn Terri will get on well with him and the police will most likely run his errands. To be a good Christian I should forgive them but I am not ready to do. Sigh!


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