Quick work
All the so-called failed suicide bombers have been caught and the speed at which the investigation went is rather startling. Dumb idiots must have left a trail a mile wide. Unfortunately there will be others waiting in the wings for their turn to blow themselves to kingdom come. Will those that are to come and I have no doubt there will be more, target other cities or towns around England? Or will the turn their attention to some place in Wales or Scotland?
Even the IRA did not bother with these countries. What a surprise the IRA have at last stated they will get rid of all their armaments and what a time to choose. Personnally I think they should hang on to them for the future war with another religion which I believe is coming. Forget about a united Ireland, will not happen. What Protestant wants to live under rules based on the Catholic faith? But the chances of coming together to fight a common foe (not the English) are getting better.
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