Sunday, April 03, 2005

Pope John Paul II

The end of an era. We farewell Pope John Paul II. He was by any standards a good man who tried hard for peace and understanding. I hope he got a good reception in heaven.
Pope John Paul had very strict views on many aspects of life. He was against homosexuality, abortion and birth control among many things, will the Pope to follow be strict as or will he relax the 'rules'? The Pope that will be elected will surprise all I think.
If St Malichi's list is followed the new Pope will be De Gloria Ulivi or the Glory of the Olive. Perhaps his family grows olives? He will not be a pope for very long. Four years perhaps?
Nostradamus does not predict anything good for this new Pope to come. I wonder if any of the Cardinals have read Nostradamus or checked on St. Malichi's list?


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