Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Well well well

What a big surprised an ex friend has apologized for the trouble he has caused my husband and I. He said that he had tried to help an other friend who has caused us problems that have resulted in a court case. (The pre-trial conference is tomorrow.) He had at first believed them and now has come to realize he made a big mistake. Wish he had said to my husband what made him change his mind. Here's hoping the powers that be realize the same.
The trouble that is going on in Iraq is quite worrying with my obsession/belief that the Antichrist is here to bring big big trouble to the world I can't help thinking that here is a chance for his to make an appearance or one of his minions to save the day - so to speak - and bring stability to that country.
With Russia and Iran being friendly we are a step closer to doomsday.
Keep your fingers crossed.


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