Wednesday, July 28, 2004

3 days?

I have been on some interesting and a bit alarming sites.   All involving the Second Coming of the Christ.  A few spoke of the days of the final cleansing.   This is three days and night of total darkness.  There will be no lighting available to anyone except blessed candles.  People must stay in their homes for the full time and must not open the doors or windows to anyone.  Plus not answer anyone that calls out to come in.  Keep pets inside for the duration as well.  Doors and windows to be secured and covered so that no-one can see in or out. 
There is more but that is quite sufficient for this blog.
But does anyone believe it? What if it is really true?  In this day and age? 
As they say "Only time will tell".
Me?  I think I will err on the side of caution and pray.


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