Wednesday, June 23, 2004

The others

The others are those nasty things that go bump in the night, morning and anytime they please. Who said ghosts whatever are restricted to night-time?
Why is it that you have to call on angels but not these little and big buggers. An angel will go away when not wanted. But try to get rid of these it is so much easier to move house and that is what I did.
I was living in an old house, new house just don't rate as a good haunt unless it has been built over some nasty place, ie, plague pit, 17th or 18th century hospital or even a good hanging ground. Then there is a possibility. But these are in the UK and I am going to talk about a house in Australia. Adelaide the capitol of South Australia, which makes a change from Melbourne or Sydney.
This house was divided up into flats and mine was a very small. The first thing that happened which puzzled more at first was the light bulb in the kitchen exploding. I have never heard of one doing such a thing. The light had been on for sometime and as I was entering the kitchen...Boom, yeah boom and glass flew everywhere! I at first put it down to an electrical surge. Could not think of any other cause...Then.
Then the next incident was that my coffee cup decided to commit suicide by jumping off the table. I was not touching it; did not knock it anyway. It just literal jumped in the air, over the table edge and shattered completely on hitting the carpet.
What finally made me move was my bed being used as a walkway through the flat.?
I was woken up by a high pitched noise. The bedroom was not in total darkness as the curtains were partly open. Something and all I saw was a darkish shape/shadow that stepped through the wall at the head of the bed, I was in the bed still, it had weight to it and I felt it move the bed as it then took two steps to the end of the bed and leaped through the closed window.
Me? I was brave. I too vacated the bedroom and spent the rest of the night in the lounge with the lights on.
I figured if there are things that go bump in the night then there are angels.


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