Tuesday, June 29, 2004

He's left

My partners brother Neil left today I am pleased to say. He turned up a week ago and just stayed. He eats more than a fair share and as for the coffee... Well a medium jar would last Tom and I a fortnight these last seven days went through a jar and a half. Plus 5 litres of milk and 2 kilos of sugar. Yes I do mind as we are on a tight very tight budget plus having a beautiful dog to feed. His visit has left us very short in the food cupboard. No matter what I said to Tom he would not tell his brother to leave. I am fed up with biting my tongue around Neil. So next time and I am sure there will be one, as this is not the first time he has descended upon us, he is in for a shock. I will tell him he cannot stay. He only stayed because he had spent all his money and had no food in his flat. He does the circuit of his friends and bludges off of them the same way. Even more annoying was his hogging of my computer then getting into a chat room and insulting a few there. Great(!) and under Toms' name as well. The worst part of all of this is I am studying to become a minister and I just find it so hard to be charitable to Neil. Maybe I should get my guardian angel to speak to his and in some way improve his attitude to others. I am still not going to let his stay here again though.
I can not help thinking that his life must be very unrewarding. Is he insensitive to others or does he think he is welcomed by everyone? Are his friends fed up with him but can not bring themselves to tell him? No-body wants a scene.
He brings stress into my life does he do the same to others? This stress is of my own making because I find it so difficult to accept him. But it is the little things like the consumption of the coffee that drives me mad.
I will just have to meditate on it.


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