Wednesday, June 23, 2004


Angels a boring subject? No. They are the new way to find inner peace. They have been appearing in many forms for some years or so now and for a reason. Well I am assuming so.Any one noticed their come back in art, decorations and garden statues, move over gnomes. Then there are the books, seminars and courses in reaching the real item. Why the interest? Why are they making their comback in such a big way. Have we got something to worry about? Will we all be needing their help? Assuming that you believe they exist. I do and I also think that this world will need them. I want the world to change, I do not care much for all that is going wrong and there does not seem to be anyone or thing around to make much difference. We need to change our way of thing and become not so stressed at the same time, I know I do.


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