Tuesday, November 30, 2004


I have been trying to get my novel on line within the month time limit. To day is the last day and I am behind my schedule. I think I will have to put it on without any editing if I want to make the dead line.
I do have a sort of excuse if there can be one and that it lack of access to the computer for over a week and it is annoying me. My husbands brother graced us with his presence which I can live without. When he visits us he stays and stays and stays. Never knowing that he has well and truly overstayed his welcome. He has been here over a week and show no sign of leaving and I am afraid it will be I and not my cowardly husband who suggests it is about time for him to bugger off. The food he eats, the coffee he consumes does not compare with the time he is on the computer. He makes one feel really bad asking him to get off of it.
Him notwithstanding I am going to complete the novel. Yes I am.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Nothing much

I dislocated my little toe the other day. A slightly painful expericence to say the least. On seeing my poor toe sticking up and pointing to the ceiling I promtly grabed it and thrust it back into position and then I went into a faint. I have a very nice bruse and my toe is still sore but at least it has decreased in size. Shoes aren't so tight any more. A major plus.
It is drizzle outside and there is a full moon.
Life goes on. The Peacemaker is on tv at the moment I should have put the video on to record it but I forgot at least I taped JAG for my husband. One out of two not bad.
It is a nothing much day to day. So nice to have one.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Once again... why?

This last week I have been challenged on my religious beliefs which was a novel(?) experience also irritating/informative/interesting etc etc. It gave me a chance to get on my soap box and explain what I think/believe but it was also downer. I heard the usual things; the bible was a nice book of fables/stories; rubbish etc. What difference does it make whether saturday or sunday is the day for church services, why stop celebrating christmas per sae, why use only parts of the bible and not others.
The really hard part of the discussion was getting people to actually listen, I repeat LISTEN, to what I was saying. It is amazing how people think they hear what you are saying. I told them I wanted to follow as best I could what the original church did taking into consideration the change of times and life styles. So I would consider Saturday the correct day for worship, which was the day until the Catholic church changed it to sunday. I was aked why I wanted Saturday. I repeated myself only to be asked again ...why?
I am not one of those that can quote tracks of the Bible. I do not think it is important to be able to do so. I use the Bible as a basis not as an absolute. Heck the Bible has been translated so many ways and by changing a word can change the whole meaning of a passage so how can you be sure that the Bible you first read is correctly translated from the original Greek or Latin?
Read many versions and try to get one that is a really accurate translation. There is a lot of beauty in the Bible. Belief is so individual that it is wonderful to find one person who shares the same ideas and view but it is a rearity so the next best is one with the most similatities to ones own beliefs. No one can claim to have the correct interpretation.
This applies to churches as well.
The Bible is a history of man and a partiular nation and the tribes there of. It is also directions on living a good life, about hygene, how to behave and compassion/love. It also gives hope and the knowledge that death as we accept it is not the end. We step out of this body at death and go on to a different existance that is at a different vibration to this world which is why it can not be seen.
The Bible is a good starting place for belief going either way.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Neighbor's -their karma

Neighbor's can be the worse thing in the world. They are difficult to avoid, uncaring, vindictive, noisy and bullies. They can also be wonderful, very caring, considerate and go out of their way to help you. Then they can keep themselves to themselves bothering no-one but being polite and pleasant. Such a variety and degrees of neighbourliness.
But get just one bad apple and no matter how good the rest this one can have such an impact on life. They forget one thing though and that is the accumulation of Karma.
These sort of people have no idea what it even is. They are the chaff of life and have no real purpose except perhaps to create situations for others to grow.
But it is so difficult to cope with them. Mental pain is the hardest to deal with. It eats away at you.
But these bad apples unless they suddenly wake up to the negativity, realize the pain they are inflicting and are really sorry are the losers in the end.
Oh yeah I have a bad apple across the road. One who can manipulate a situtation and uses the police with great effect. My husband and I come across as the 'baddies'. Hell I have even been charged with 'Breach of the Peace' for telling the truth. In the heat of the moment I told this 'bad apple' mother that as her 13 year old daughter is having sex with her 17 year old boyfriend she was a bad mother for permitting it to continue.
It is a true statement and the child is also drunk at times, staggering around the village.
Well the police were not interested in what I said nor my side and so I am charged.
My husband had been charged earlier with Breach of the Peace for whilst walking with our dog to a friends house he just happened to be walking behind the daughter. The fact that later she and her boyfriend then walked behind my husband as he came home is beside the point.
So her mother and stepfather called the police after coming over to my home and accusing my husband of following the minx. The little monster told the police she was in fear of her life.......?
What does one do? What is wrong with this women? Why is she keeping this going?
I can only think that there is a really nasty flaw in her. Perhaps this gives her something to get up for. Whatever it is it is really getting me down.
As we had called the police in response to her coming to our door with the hope that they could help imagine our distress on being told they were not interested in our complaint and were only taking her side and charged my husband.
I then told the police they were corrupt, totally biased and this was not right. This did not help my cause needless to say. To think that only a week of so before an article had appeared in the local press to promote police community awareness and co-operation. This kind of flew in the face of that article.
Not to worry there are avenues by which to complain about the police and I have every right to do so and I am doing so. Fairs fair.
I would love revenge on this neighbour but it goes against Christian principles but I am human....So.......??? To be or not to be a hypocrite.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Margaret Hassan has been murdered. A women who gave her life to help others. This is another abhorent murder committed by utterly evil people.
I am inclined to think that the lack of mercy in their hearts deters one from feeling any sympathy for any that share their views when they too are relieved of their life.
As with the others that were kidnapped and executed I say a prayer for Margaret.

On another piece of news Condelissa Rice is now the Secretary of State, quite an achievement for a black women from the South. Congratulations to her, not only for getting the position but for her showing what a person can achieve.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Fate is moving on

Colin Powell has resigned. This can be looked at in two ways. That’s the end of him goodbye. Or…and I am the ultimate fatalist… he has to be out of the White House/Government/Washington so that he is still alive to come back into government to help his country. His resignation is telling me fate is controlling his destiny.
I still believe that Bush will not see out his term and none of the ones presently in the government will survive either.
I do hope I am wrong as our future will be very frightening. Even Catholic visionaries have predicted the end of our life style. Even Popes have been frightened by what they have been told and what they themselves have seen in visions.
Those that call for peace will be doing the wrong thing this time. But prayer will help a great deal.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Soul Home

Well the soul of Yassar Arafat has passed on and I wonder where it has ended up. I do not expect his spirit/soul to be in the same place as say Jimmy Hendriks or Al Capone. Perhaps... then again maybe not. The world has lost quite a character. I can't help wondering if he watched his own funeral, I am sure that some souls do, if he did was he impressed, pleased or irritated? You have to admit it was not what you could call a dignified affair by Western standards that is or just my own. But it was quite a send off none the less. Peace be with him.

Now who will be next? Bad things do seem to happen in three.

Now we really need to pray for the Middle East.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Consider this

What better way for evil to gain a foothold in the world than under the guise of good and political correctness.
Political correctness is a secret evil.
Now a days it is almost a crime to voice any negative views or feelings against any colour, creed or religion. In some ways this is not such a bad thing - but then again is it?
To suggest that a particular religion is bad/evil and will be the tool of evil, if not view with derision will surly have others angrily up in arms at such a statement. To present something as no threat but a target of predjudice is a fairly good cover.
The disciplining of children.
The no smacking rule is supposedly to protect a small percentage of children from excessive beating and yes children should be protected. The majority of parents know when a smack is warrented but because of the sanctimonious do-gooders that set themselves up some sort of authority the majority are having their rights taken from them. Children need to be controlled and discilplined. They need to know right from wrong and how far they can cross the line. Talking to a child basically does not work. They do not think the same way or view things like an adult. They learn very quickly that crossing the line does not bring much if any retribution. This is also demonstrated in the schools where no respect is shown to teachers. We are lucky that anyone turns up to teach the little monsters. Children show no respect for anyone.
Evil has fractured the structure of the family unit and caused a potentialy violent and uncaring section of the coming generation.
There is no much now that is accepted that was wrong/unacceptable just a few decades ago.
These changes are happening for a reason and not for the betterment of society which is being set up for a huge fall by the powers that be,

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

What for Christmas?

I have just woken up to the fact that Christmas is on its way. I consider myself lucky I have only one person to buy a present for and one animal (?). I do find it rather odd for people to be buying presents for an animal, its the xmas stocking for them that gets me. I might love my dog heaps but no way am I going to buy him a gift. I am more than happy to give a donation to the local animal charities for Christmas but I donate many times during the year and buy the odd thing at the charity shops.
I have a passion for collecting plates, urns and jugs etc from Greece the sort that are bought as souvenirs that depict Greek mythology, charity shops are the best place to find them.
Some charity shops want a fair bit for what they sell which belies the reason for them. I mean some of them are rather greedy for money, Cancer Research and Oxfam are the most grabbing. CR wanted £10 for a Greek plate! Damn ridiculous price and I bet it didn't cost that to buy originally! I bought one exatly the same at the PDSA (Pets Dispensery for Sick Animals) for £1.50. Now the PDSA deserves to be supported.
As for a xmas present for Jerry Lee he can bark for one. Ah but I will get come extra treats in for him.

Monday, November 08, 2004

This morning I took my dog for a walk down to the Gareloch estuary it was lovely just to stand looking at the calm water and it was so silent, hardly a bird sound. As I was absorbing the tranquility a thrumming sound intruded followed by distant booms. Coming around the point was a naval vessel and the sound in the distance...? Gun fire, someone was practiceing firing a large gun. The disadvantage of living in this particular part of Scotland. I thought about the peace camp on the other side of the estuary. Damn nuisance the peace campers when the stage a demonstration. Apart from it being a total waste of time it is a damn inconveniece holding up the traffic. Because of them I had to miss an important hospital appointment, took nearly a month to get a new date. This is the UK after all and I had been waiting for six months for an appointment.
Have the peace campers etc ever really stopped a war from going ahead? Not that I know of. And why do the nearly always seem to be left over hippies? But when it come down to it ... what they look like or dress like makes no matter at all.
I think the years to come will break their little hearts.
Don't forget to pray.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

All quite here

Well Guy Fawkes night is over with for another year. For the life of me I can not see why it is still being held. It can be quite dangerous for children and animals. Many cats and dogs are at the mercy of evil minded monsters who take unholy delight in using fireworks to injure these poor creatures. Other animals of course get injured and killed as well for no other reason than...? Why?
There is punishment for hurting people but what is forgotten or may not be realized is that there is also retribution to be faced for harming animals.
Animals are Gods' creatures as well.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael, the Archangel defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil,
May GOD rebuke him, we humbly pray and thou,
O Prince of Heavenly Host by the power of GOD,
Thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits
who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.

I am not a Catholic but I think this is a prayer written by Pope Pious is a prayer for our time.

Thursday, November 04, 2004


The news is that Arafat is dying which can only be a very worrying situation, who will replace him? I can not see it being a moderate much more likely a hard-liner. Anything that effects the Middle East is going to be a worry.
I also wonder if his death will cause the no.3 to happen by that I mean when a celebrity ie an actor dies it seems that then two more die as usually the deaths seem to occur in threes. Most odd!
Something will trigger in the realms of fate. Life is going to get more dangerous for us all.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Oh dear Bush has won the election. I think he is going to need all the advise he can get but in the end I do not think it will avail him very much.
I wonder if he has ever read anything about Nostradamus or even knows who he is? Has or will someone with a little courage tell him about the quatrains? Then again there is nothing really to say that he is MABUS as not all interpreters agree on this. He, mabus that is, has even been identified as the Anti-Christ. As much as one dislikes President Bush, (I am not one of them) there is no way that he is the A-C!
From now until the beginning of 2006 we will have to watch the sky for signs. Do not forget to pray.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

President -what else

The world waits, will it be the burning bush or the long-faced pall bearer? I kind of hope that it will be Bush only because I think that MABUS of Nostradamus fame is him and if he is not elected again well back to the anagrams. This election is really important for all the world, no other country has such an impact as does the US of A. Bit scary isn't! Even more so as IT is hated in so many areas of the Muslim world. I only say that because most terrorists now seem to be Islamic and America seems represents all that is bad with the Christian West to them. I do not think that whoever wins the Presidency will have any effect on that hatred as it is much too ingrained. Will America if under Kerry pull back from international affiairs and concentrate on itself? It seems that under Bush, America has to continue to be involved in other countries otherwise lose face? It is very hard to imagine America backing down from anything. Let alone saying they are wrong in anyway.
Now don't get me wrong I do not think that America has done anything wrong in going to Iraqi.
I believe that it was pre-ordained. It was one of those acts that was fated to happen. Nothing would have stopped it.
There are things that are meant to happen in the world.
Saddam had to be removed but for other reasons than he was a not a nice person. Whilst he (or his so delightful sons) was in charge there was no way that religion could get a foothold let alone take over. Now he has been taken care of religion can now rear its ugly head (religion has two sides to it, the good and the bad) and it has begun. This is only the beginning.
America with its friends have done their job in the universal scheme of things