Thursday, November 25, 2004

Once again... why?

This last week I have been challenged on my religious beliefs which was a novel(?) experience also irritating/informative/interesting etc etc. It gave me a chance to get on my soap box and explain what I think/believe but it was also downer. I heard the usual things; the bible was a nice book of fables/stories; rubbish etc. What difference does it make whether saturday or sunday is the day for church services, why stop celebrating christmas per sae, why use only parts of the bible and not others.
The really hard part of the discussion was getting people to actually listen, I repeat LISTEN, to what I was saying. It is amazing how people think they hear what you are saying. I told them I wanted to follow as best I could what the original church did taking into consideration the change of times and life styles. So I would consider Saturday the correct day for worship, which was the day until the Catholic church changed it to sunday. I was aked why I wanted Saturday. I repeated myself only to be asked again ...why?
I am not one of those that can quote tracks of the Bible. I do not think it is important to be able to do so. I use the Bible as a basis not as an absolute. Heck the Bible has been translated so many ways and by changing a word can change the whole meaning of a passage so how can you be sure that the Bible you first read is correctly translated from the original Greek or Latin?
Read many versions and try to get one that is a really accurate translation. There is a lot of beauty in the Bible. Belief is so individual that it is wonderful to find one person who shares the same ideas and view but it is a rearity so the next best is one with the most similatities to ones own beliefs. No one can claim to have the correct interpretation.
This applies to churches as well.
The Bible is a history of man and a partiular nation and the tribes there of. It is also directions on living a good life, about hygene, how to behave and compassion/love. It also gives hope and the knowledge that death as we accept it is not the end. We step out of this body at death and go on to a different existance that is at a different vibration to this world which is why it can not be seen.
The Bible is a good starting place for belief going either way.


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