Saturday, February 25, 2006

They do not listen

Today I received a draft report regarding my meeting with G Nash of the Council. I hit the roof. The woman that took notes was not listening and that is a fact. She attributed to me things that that G Giles did. She even mention comments from D. Rae who was not even there. They were telling though as she refered to him by his first name and me by my surname. Bias there no doubt.
There is to be another meeting with Nash and will I set him straight, if she Olive Thomas is there to record I will have words with her as well. I am so angry with these people.
Then I will bring them up to date as to what that evil child Terrie has been saying and has had to confess that she lied.
That child deserves to go to a home and good birching would not go amiss. It says in the Bible that to pare the rod is to spoil the child.
My husband was right she is ending up like her mother.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Winter Olympics

I have been enjoying the Winter Olympics. Earlier this weekI was happily watching the mens figure skating when Tom could stand it no longer and began fliping through the channels. He does not like skating and no way was he going to hand over the remote. Times like this ooh. He was out last night so I could watch the mens free skate. I was disapointed that Johnny Weir did not get a medal it seemed a harsh score from the judges considering he did not fall like the silver and bronze winners did. I really liked his performance which I thought was very graceful. The judges wanted more action it seemed. I do not think he will ever get an Olympic medal not because of his skating but because I think there is a terrible war coming and in the next couple of years we will all be at war.
The whole world that is.

Monday, February 13, 2006


The 13th has been lucky for me today. Today was the adjournment date for my trial and the Procurator Fiscal/prosecutor accepted my not guilty plea. About time too. I was relieved that it did not proceed to a full hearing but I was prepared to go through it if need be. My prayer was answered and I did not have to enjoure it. I have heard on the grapevine that Karma is biting Madame Giles and being human I am a little bit pleased about it. As I believe in karma it therefore would not be good for me to gloat over any misfortune that befalls her, apart from being a minister as well, as I do not want to attract any negativity my way.
I still have to contend with Tom's court case re the damn Meeks. I have good vibes that that will go well for Tom likewise.
There is light at the end of the tunnel and this time it is not a train to run us over. Some things just move so slowly but at least they are moving in the right direction for once.

I was watching the Winter Olympics tonight and it was the figure skating pairs. The Chinese girl did very well to get up again after her terrible fall but for the judges to give them the marks and put them in Silver was stupid. A gruddging Bronze perhaps but I am inclined to think that they should not have even got that. The Chinese couple that got Bronze were robbed they should have gotten the Silver. But full marks to the Russians who did deserve the Gold.
I love watching the skating and I am looing forward to the singles tomorrow.
I enjoy the majority of the Winter sports. The ski jumps wow. I can ski and ice skate myself but no way am I really good oh but they are such fun sports.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Another step forward

I have been a little unwell this week and a bit depressed. Must be the thought of the third date for my trial which starts Monday 13th. I hope it goes ahead this time, I don't think my temper will take a 4th adjournment.
Got a good letter from police Inspector Stenhouse. Now I feel I can put the trouble with the police behind me. Do not think I am popular with L35 though serves him right.
Also saw one G. Nash at the Council offices regarding problems there. I did not like the man and I did not like the way he constantly tried to focus on one date only. My complaint covered much more. I was complaining about the total situation and various events. This Nash wanted to focus on one small point. Now to wait for his decision. It had better not be a white wash. It could take up to a month for him to get back to me so he says. Not impressed.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


The Islamic world is anger because of a few cartoons. The Danish and Norwegian embassy are set alight. Protestors call for more July 7th atrocities. The Muslims would have us believe that theirs is a peaceful religion. What utter rot. Christians have never gone to this extreme over cartoons about God or Jesus, some may feel anger but it has never been expressed like the anger the Muslims seem to be expressing. Now Christians have as have the Muslims gone to war over religion.
I think that this is just the tip of the icebergs so to speak. The hatred felt for the Western life style and perhaps Christianity is being vented.
This is just the beginning there will be more things that will get the Muslims angry and they are more than ready to show it.
They have also told us that Islam is first. Freedom of speech has no place.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The heat gone somewhat

Yesterday Tom and I went to see the local police Inspector. Inspector Stenhouse soon to be retired sure has people skills. He is a nice man and listens. He also came across as someone you could trust. Do not find that very often and the trouble is that you can not help wondering if it is so. Can he really be trusted? Is it a really good front he presents? I am just too cynical and distrustful of people. So I am doing my best to accept him at face value. He did enlighten me and Tom as well on a few matters. Next week we are to meet with the Head of a department of the Argyll & Bute Council regarding my offical complaint against Rae. Some of what we learnt will help us. That damed women made complaints about anything and everything she could think of. P.C. 35 will get a talking too and none too soon either. I wonder if he will even remember the incidents - there were 3 that he was involved in - oh dear imagine not remembering something that happened a few months previous and getting a rap over the knuckles.
I came away from the meeting not feeling elated but glad it was over and can now be filed away. But but but information to be used when needed.