Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Argyll & Bute Council fiends.

I just can not believe the barefaced lies that are perpetuated by members of the Argyll and Bute Council. I am most definitely on their black list. There must have a memo out saying to harass me. I received an invoice from the Maintenance dept for £654. 95!!! For removal of a sink top, 2 doors and uplift of a bed from the garden at our old address 27/09/05?? Added to it is a management fee of £72.77. The invoice is dated 22/11/05.
We left that address on the 20th July 05. What the hell bed are they talking about? Darn well nothing to do with me. As for the sink and the doors .What in the heck is that about?
I wanted to write a letter and a half to them but Tom has calmed me down and so I will phone my solicitor on Monday.
It is interesting that when the council wants to give bad news or news that they know will infuriate one they always post letters so that they are received on a Saturday.
I would rather die than pay them a penny of a bill that I do not owe and no way do I owe one penny of this fabricated account.
It is not good of me to say this but I will 'I do so hope that they burn in a hell of their own making'. I think God will understand how I feel.
I am so tired of the constant stress I have been getting this last year. I am just so tired of everything. I am so tired.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

life goes on regardless

Found out that 36 hours after being kidnapped Rory Carroll was released. One lucky man.
My medication seems to have equalized itself. So I am coping a little better. Have had odd cravings for chocolate and strangley I seem to have lost my tastest for coffee and I can not just stop drinking it because of the headackes. I feel almost like smoker who is forced into giving up smoking. The nightmares have diminished not totally gone.
I am being bad today. I am having a lazy day today, I know I am breaking a few rules, Sabbatarian rules that is. I am just not in the mood for studying. My excuse is that my new medication makes me so drowsey in the afternoon. I am very tired all of a sudden. I want to stay up longer...just like a little kid at night...but if I jawn any more I will break my jaw. Well I should really be studying religious texts seeing it is the Sabbath. (Saturday I am a Sabbatarian)
No I am going to have to have a sleep. Couple of hours will do the job and I will be wide awake again.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Here we go again

Once again persecution rears its ugly head in the form of the Meeks. Once again they have lied and been believed. To be sure this is an old matter heading to court but as luck will have it my Tom actually has a witness. If I were a Catholic I would be yelling Saints be praised but I am not, so it is 'wow is our luck changing?' Oh it is another 'breach of the peace' and because he has pleaded guilty to one in the past it will be held against him. Funnily enough the Meeks were involved in that one as well.
It really is not fair, Paul Meek threatened Tom an I with a knife, we had a witness who supported us, the police took details and it seems that nothing is going to come of that.
So you can threaten a person with a weapon and nothing will happen to them but swore and the law will get you. Where the is justice in that?
There have been a few suggesting as to the reason why the Meeks get away with things makes me wonder as to the truth of the rumors.
Nor has Tom's ex solicitor responded to any letters. I think that letters are ignored in the hope that all will go away. Fighting city hall and law is difficult, fraught with delaying tactics and brick walls which they love to hide behind. Just got to keep on battering.
I did get a letter of sorts from Mr Reppke and he did appologise for delays in answering my request to the council. Big deal.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Hang in there Blair

I can understand the Oppersition voting against Blair and his 90 days and the Lib Dems but Labour MPs? Not a good thing to do. Are they so caught up in their petty hatred of Blair that just to spite him they go against the voters? Many if not all polls showed that voters supported the 90 day detention for terrorists, so why go against popular feeling? Sometimes MP are worse than little kids.
All those that voted against the 90 days should read the papers with care this morning and think of those that have been killed and injured in Jordan. The suicide bombers there were brothers-in-arms of the ones from 7/7 and 9/11.
Then read on about the raids in Australia and how long it took them to build up a case. 90 days is nothing.

Some weeks agao an Irish journalist, Rory Carroll was kidnapped in Iraq I wonder what has become of the poor guy?

Monday, November 07, 2005

France - where next?

12 days is it now? What on earth started it all? The accidental deaths of two youths? By electrocution? They were running away from the police and got electrocuted???? It makes no sense and I have not found the answer.
Regardless there is no way that that regretable incident should have escalated into to the terrorism that is happening now. The youths that are causing this to happen are not helping their cause. Are they hoping for another 14th July? Not going to happen.
Can we be sure that this is not a front for terrorism..That is certain parties are using new tactics, very successful ones at that. The French Government seems to be paralyzed. The sword of the Bastile hanging over their heads?
I do not think that Tony Blair would have hesitated for this length of time if the riots were happening here. I believe that given recent events in Birmingham there is potential for this to happen.
I remember that lone MP who stood up and warned Great Britain about the dangers that uncontrolled immigration/asylum would have.
Take a bow Enoch Powell.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A reply of sorts

Well today is the 1st November 2005 and I have received a reply from Argyll & Bute Council. It is totally inadequate. They must really hold me in contempt. The covering letter is dated 14th October 2005 and to add insult to injury as the saying goes...It is not even signed!
The name typed after the 'Yours sincerely' is Stephen Doogan. So I must surmise that he is the person who should have signed the letter. Yes he is the right person to answer my request but why is the letter not signed?
Has someone in his office stuffed up so to speak. Or is it a deliberate act on his part?
As for David Rae the little weasel is covering his rear-end. His report is a white wash. ButBUTBut, one piece of information he let slip regarding an ex-friend ol' fat Mandy McGregor, that nasty lying woman actual complained to the council about me. She ganged up with Gillian Giles. Now that came as a big shock.
There is a funny side Doogan in his(?) letter states he could not give me information about any third parties whilst Rae happily names them all.
My next step is to request a review. Plus a couple more complaints.
Must not forget the police in this. I have been granted legal aid so perhaps I will get my solicitor to help me. She does has more clout.