Sunday, March 27, 2005

New Heights

The dispute with my vindictive neighbour Gillian reaches new heights of terror. She got three Bully Boys to threaten us. I can not tollerate bullies and I refuse to be intimidated, I do not care how big or threatening they are I will not back down. One called John threatened to burn my house down so I told him I did not care if he did. Which is actually true, everything can be replaced and the house is rented. He threatened my Tom with a broken jaw and being cut in such away that he would bleed out before help arrived. So I made it plain to him that I would insure that punishment would be inflicted upon Gillian and Terri in return. (I have to state that I would never hurt Terri she being only 13 and that children are sacresant.) But I had a point to make to that ex-con bully. I honestly do not know what I would do. But I have no doubt that when the time comes God will judge them as He will all. If I were them I would be as the saying goes "Be afraid be very afraid". The situation was very tense for awhile and I have no doubt that Gillian watching from the safety behind her windows was enjoying what she, I am sure, thought was us getting a hard time. Sorry Gillian but not so! Right is Might! one of the bullies was Terris' father and we ended up having a good discussion after the initial posturing. He gave us his blessing to and I quote "beat the shit out of her if we wanted to" regarding Gillian, no love for his ex there. He did not like being used by her to get at us. Must have been interesting once he went back into her house. Well happy to say we will not be bothered by him or his mates. Thank God.
But for a brief moment there I thought that would end it all.
Gillian is a women possessed. Still has a camera on us. Still uses mindless friends to hassel us.
Enough is enough. Time to move.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Trouble everywhere

I am so fed up with the police coming to my door! Gillian and Co. Never seem to let up, try as we will to ignore them, they are determined to be bloody evil minded. My husband is continually falling into their traps but he does have a quick temper, is total frustrated by the situation and does not know how to handle it all. So two more 'breaches of the peace' and two assault charges now added to the list. I keep telling him not to retaliate. It seems that the one to retaliate is always seen to be the instigator. They always pick on him when he is alone. Never now when we are out together and they have given trying with me, I don't take the bait.
Can't the police see what is going on? Maybe they do. The local police didn't turn up at first but another lot from a town a few miles away only Tom was in Glasgow so the local police had to come round in the next day. I kept my cool but Tom was so angry that he would not acknowlege them and continued working on the computer whilst they charged him. The only comment he made was to say he was hit first.
One thing I did notice the number of the policeman who was charging him, last time I spoke to him I asked for his number and he said '141' except I noticed this time his number is L12...Interesting. As I have always claimed they can not be trusted.
A couple of neighbor's pointed out to Tom and I that Gillian has a camera focused on our house. What for?

Going to the world on a bigger scale, car bombs in Beirut and Qatar. The favorite weapon of terrorist in the Middle East. Is there a new organization and a new leader trying to fire up a civil war everywhere? I would not be surprised as I am expecting more to happen.

More to happen on the home front as well.

Friday, March 11, 2005

The Terrorist Bill

Whilst the Terrorism Bill goes back and forth between the House of Lords and the Commons, those believed to be terrorists are being released. It does not matter what restrictions are placed on them, they will find ways to circumvent them. The powers that be can bug their phones, check their mail and monitor whoever they get in contact with but this will not hinder them. They will always be that one step ahead.
The Government will eventually have to make very draconian laws to deal with the inevitable rise in terrorism and the Opposition Conservatives will have to agree.
I do not see the Labour Government losing the elections.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

A Week in the World

Well will Syria withdraw from the Lebanon? If they do will Hezbollah try to take over? Will extremists and fanatics view all this activity as America trying to take control of the Middle East or at least have too much influence? How about Saudi Arabia following Americas lead and telling/ordering Syria to withdraw.
Most likely Syria will make a small concession and withdraw to the border. Hezbollah how could they give up any chance to get a foothold anywhere? America will gain more enemies no doubt about that. Saudi will probable regret telling Syria what to do. In a few months down the track a leader will emerge and unite all those who are discontented with the situation in the Middle East with those fanactics dying for a chance to get at America. Then things will really get interesting.

That Italian journalist who's name eludes me at the moment, thanked the people who held her captive for treating her well.....Pardon? Brainwashed a little I think. As for her car/convoy being shot at by the Americans at a checkpoint well that is no surprise...One has to stop at checkpoint or suffer the consequences... It is just common sense. But why would her car not stop? Surly she would be safe with the Americans? Am I being cynical or was it some sort of ploy that went a little wrong?

Sinn Fein, that not very squeaky clean political party, have not been invited to the White House to celebrate St. Patricks Day about time their invite was cancelled.

That's the world taken care of now to my backyard...Literally. The vendetta continues. Someone went to the effort of pulling a wood panel off of my side gate. At least they left it near by so my husband just has to nail it back on. I suspect it was either William McGregor or Jason Mead. I wonder what will happen next? I have to look on the bright side it gives me something to moan about. Also consider the bad karma that they are getting for themselves. What to do about the situation??? Got to think about this.
Maybe I should put leaflets through their door telling them to repent before it is to late.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Police Intimidation

If you were told by the police that a certain other policeman would be taking a personal interest in your case would you think whoopee someone to help at last? Of course not!! Especial considering their attitude all along. Intense worry, fear (?), alarm and anger all in one hit. And knowing that one of of my ex-friends has a friend who is a policeman and she Mandy once boasted to me that whatever she wanted sorted he would take care of. So are Tom and I to be taken care of?
The mind goes on wonderful trips, house being raided in the middle of the night; stopped at every corner for jay- walking; beatings at the back of garages; walking down the wrong street and perhaps the wrong expression on the face....
I can not sit back any longer I have to do something notwithstanding my shattered nerves. Now will complaint only bring on more hassel? Bring it on....I will make that next move.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Come In Spinner

Some people are real bastards!
I wrote the other day that an ex-friend had apologized to my husband Tom for any trouble he had caused. Well today the police came around and charged Tom with "Breach of the Peace". Yes the ex-friend is still an ex-friend and he set Tom up beautifully. He can approach Tom engage him in conversation, make sure they are seen talking then call the police and make any allegation he feels like, well so it seems. Tom was also warned about threatening a witness, that being ex-friend.
William McGregor of Rosneath, Scotland you are a bastard. You will get it one day!! Karma!! Repent!!
PC's 35 and 37 of Garelockhead - beware of your Karma and repent as well.

Well well well

What a big surprised an ex friend has apologized for the trouble he has caused my husband and I. He said that he had tried to help an other friend who has caused us problems that have resulted in a court case. (The pre-trial conference is tomorrow.) He had at first believed them and now has come to realize he made a big mistake. Wish he had said to my husband what made him change his mind. Here's hoping the powers that be realize the same.
The trouble that is going on in Iraq is quite worrying with my obsession/belief that the Antichrist is here to bring big big trouble to the world I can't help thinking that here is a chance for his to make an appearance or one of his minions to save the day - so to speak - and bring stability to that country.
With Russia and Iran being friendly we are a step closer to doomsday.
Keep your fingers crossed.