Energy where are you?
I have been diagnosed with CFS or chronic fatigue syndrome (fibula encephalitis) and it had only taken the doctors two years to come to this concluding. Now I have a nurse/social worker/adviser??? Visiting me with the view of getting me better. Which I am all for. She has given me masses of paper work to go through and complete. But excuse me - mental fatigue is part of the cfs parcel even without it the paper work would put anyone's head in a spin. One of the forms is one that I have to fill in detailing my day hour to hour. Another how I feel and what pain I experience; activity goals; mood beginning and ending of the day.
One thing she did say was that exercise and CFS do not go together, so how am I meant to get fitter? Just walking is not going to help as my feet hurt because I have torn the ligaments. I had to go hospital where I had injections in the soles of my feet. Oh what pain. Now they only hurt if I walk around to much.
I saw one doctor a year ago who wrote in a report that I was apatheic, so I am going to write to him and enclose a copy of a hospital report I have.
Meanwhile I am turning to holistic medicine and alternative healing. I want to get better have and more energy so I can get on with my life and accomplish my goals.
Why is it that so many doctors lump everyone in the catergory called Lazy/Does not want to work? Is it because they are incompetent and out of their league or perhaps can not be bothered? Has the medical system beaten them down as well?
Energy energy where for art thou? Come back all is forgiven.