Saturday, July 31, 2004

Energy where are you?

I have been diagnosed with CFS or chronic fatigue syndrome (fibula encephalitis) and it had only taken the doctors two years to come to this concluding. Now I have a nurse/social worker/adviser??? Visiting me with the view of getting me better. Which I am all for. She has given me masses of paper work to go through and complete. But excuse me - mental fatigue is part of the cfs parcel even without it the paper work would put anyone's head in a spin. One of the forms is one that I have to fill in detailing my day hour to hour. Another how I feel and what pain I experience; activity goals; mood beginning and ending of the day.
One thing she did say was that exercise and CFS do not go together, so how am I meant to get fitter? Just walking is not going to help as my feet hurt because I have torn the ligaments. I had to go hospital where I had injections in the soles of my feet. Oh what pain. Now they only hurt if I walk around to much.
I saw one doctor a year ago who wrote in a report that I was apatheic, so I am going to write to him and enclose a copy of a hospital report I have.
Meanwhile I am turning to holistic medicine and alternative healing. I want to get better have and more energy so I can get on with my life and accomplish my goals.
Why is it that so many doctors lump everyone in the catergory called Lazy/Does not want to work? Is it because they are incompetent and out of their league or perhaps can not be bothered? Has the medical system beaten them down as well?
Energy energy where for art thou? Come back all is forgiven.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

3 days?

I have been on some interesting and a bit alarming sites.   All involving the Second Coming of the Christ.  A few spoke of the days of the final cleansing.   This is three days and night of total darkness.  There will be no lighting available to anyone except blessed candles.  People must stay in their homes for the full time and must not open the doors or windows to anyone.  Plus not answer anyone that calls out to come in.  Keep pets inside for the duration as well.  Doors and windows to be secured and covered so that no-one can see in or out. 
There is more but that is quite sufficient for this blog.
But does anyone believe it? What if it is really true?  In this day and age? 
As they say "Only time will tell".
Me?  I think I will err on the side of caution and pray.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Now What

This has been a bad week for me.  Everyone gets a week like this when everything you do goes wrong or people mis-understand you or even worse an unwanted person turns up again.
This week was also the 5th anniversary of my fathers' death.  Sad I do not really miss him but I do think of him a lot.  I mourned my mother much much more when she died and she has been dead for 9 years and it does not seem that long.   As I believe in an after-life and reincarnation I know that I will see them again.  Time passes so quickly here so it want be too long, so to speaks.
Well my unwanted guest of three weeks ago has turned up saying "I am only passing through.  Don't worry about feeding me I'm not eating."  So why is he here after three days.  That is not passing through as far as I am concerned.  As for not eating what bull****.   I would let him starve but his brother wont.  I expect he will stay the week.  I will just grit my teeth.
A friend and I went for a coffee together and I tried to explain to her my feelings and thoughts about the coming rise of the Anti-Christ to power and the war that will engulf the world.   Just for good measure I include the second coming of Christ.  Wonder when we will have coffee again? 
And my poor dog has constipation.
But it has stopped raining and the sun has shone; my husband has mowed the lawn and put up the shelves I have been waiting ages for him to do.   So all is not so bad.  Oh and I had a e-mail form my brother in Australia, he remembered my birthday, bless his heart.  The week just got better.
To-morrow is going to be a  wonderful day I just feel it.

Saturday, July 17, 2004


I have been studying Nostradamus form many years, over 20 in fact.  I am one of those who believe him.  Interestingly the catholic church has many visionaries who claim that Mary has appeared to them and what she tells them seem to support old Nostradamus.  He mentions the Athens Olympics in one of his quatrains.  He does not as such predict anything nasty but it is as a warning.  Let us pray that there is not a repeat of the Munich Olympics.   I imagine that it could well be that it will be a shambles.   Will the Greeks managed to complete all the facilities on time?  They have been running behind for sometime now but you never know it is getting close so maybe they will  pull it all together...Fingers crossed.
The local council whom I consider totally useless have put up a fence round my front yard.  A cheap looking wooden fence.  Suppose I should not complain as it is free.  One their first visit the council guys only put the fence up but  they did not have a gate.  They have been back and put up the gate but no bolts to shut it so they will be back in a few days.  You would think that if they were putting up a fence they would bring everything they needed.  Nothing like stretching out a job.  There has to be a con going on somewhere.  I could be wrong.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Nostra D

I have been looking a a few sites on Mr Nostradamus. Now what if it is all true? Is it why angels and the like are becoming popular? Scarey thought. There are a couple of people I would like to scare with the thoughts of N, er correction the prophesies. Behave, be nice and you might be okay. Even if it is only there to make us nicer people it is not such a bad thing. Look around and there are such nasty mean people who seem to want to be noticed. Nice, good people just get on with their lives and no one really notices them. Then there are the "Do-Gooders", the middle aged church women and volunteers. They wave their flags to show you that they are really good and charitable beings. Funny how they carry the biggest knives and have eyes darting searching for a back to plunge in. They invariable seem to have lovely comfortable homes and a great income/pension. Go to church regular and put in a donation. Oh yes wonderful people. All for show! It is a sad world but better much better than it was in Mr N's time. Yet it looks like we are the generation to cop it. Such it karma. Keep praying.

Friday, July 09, 2004

The enemy

For a few years now I have been fighting my local Council, who are to my mind is dishonest, totally without any ethics and should be done away with. Any mistake they make they make you pay for. They refuse to take responsibility for any mistakes they make as they totally ignore facts and the law it seems. There is a certain women a B**** of the first order who I believe takes sadistic delight in upsetting me. Oh CJ there is such a thing as karma and I know to be a good person I should forgive you but I CAN NOT as yet bring myself to do so. I do so wish that this women would experience a little upset and realize what it can be like to feel the world ( in this case the council) is against one. So I have decide to take action which is well over due and seek legal advice with a view to suing her and the council. Probable wont get anywhere but then again maybe something will come of it. Then there is the Ombudsman which I have just discovered. Writing to him will make me feel much better. She and it, the Council, will have to respond to him. That should spoil her day at least.
I should occupy myself with more important matters as this world heads towards ww3. If predictions are true then we have a about two years to go. We should pray more and find ways to advance our spirituality. The religions coming from places to the East are not the way to go. No wonder angels are getting known more as they will become very busy indeed and I worry about the damn council.
Remember to say a prayer and light a candle.

Saturday, July 03, 2004


Here in Scotland it is forever raining. I really need two good days to get the lawn mowed by my partner of course. It is my belief that he does a secret rain dance but when will he realize that the grass, now up to our knees will only get harder to cut the longer it gets? He thinks the dandelions make lovely flowers and the clover adds contrast.
Wouldn't it be useful if the area above the garden could be control like an invisible umbrella stopping the rain, only whilst the lawn is moved after that it can rain again.
unfortunately it is the rain that makes the landscape of Scotland so beautiful. Have a holiday here and be prepared for the wet.
And not to mention the darn 'Midges'! Nothing can prepare one for these annoying little monsters. Go out in the evening, near water is the worst (stacks of that stuff here) or just walk across the lawn and billions (seems like it) of these tiny tiny flies attack and bite. These things aren't even native to the country. I think they came from Spain?? The first few that arrived loved it so much they called all their relatives over and procreate for all they were worth.
Do not open your mouth 'cos you'll regret it. In your eyes, hair, ears and for such a little thing they have a real nasty bite. Ouch! Then itch! Everybody is sympathic if you're allergic to them.
But all is not quite lost. Burning citronella helps a little but the BIG HELP is a moisturizer by a company that does not sell in shops. No advertising here. Even the manly guys in Braveheart are rumored to have used it. Anyway roll on September and the menace will have gone.

Oh the sun is shining outside perhaps I should get Tom to mow between clouds. TOM!