Tuesday, June 29, 2004

He's left

My partners brother Neil left today I am pleased to say. He turned up a week ago and just stayed. He eats more than a fair share and as for the coffee... Well a medium jar would last Tom and I a fortnight these last seven days went through a jar and a half. Plus 5 litres of milk and 2 kilos of sugar. Yes I do mind as we are on a tight very tight budget plus having a beautiful dog to feed. His visit has left us very short in the food cupboard. No matter what I said to Tom he would not tell his brother to leave. I am fed up with biting my tongue around Neil. So next time and I am sure there will be one, as this is not the first time he has descended upon us, he is in for a shock. I will tell him he cannot stay. He only stayed because he had spent all his money and had no food in his flat. He does the circuit of his friends and bludges off of them the same way. Even more annoying was his hogging of my computer then getting into a chat room and insulting a few there. Great(!) and under Toms' name as well. The worst part of all of this is I am studying to become a minister and I just find it so hard to be charitable to Neil. Maybe I should get my guardian angel to speak to his and in some way improve his attitude to others. I am still not going to let his stay here again though.
I can not help thinking that his life must be very unrewarding. Is he insensitive to others or does he think he is welcomed by everyone? Are his friends fed up with him but can not bring themselves to tell him? No-body wants a scene.
He brings stress into my life does he do the same to others? This stress is of my own making because I find it so difficult to accept him. But it is the little things like the consumption of the coffee that drives me mad.
I will just have to meditate on it.

Friday, June 25, 2004


There are spooky things all over the world. A few years ago, in 1994, time sweeps along, I visited Balfour Castle in the Orkney Island. The islands are between Shetland and Scotland. Wonderful place to visit and if you like to play golf you can enter an really unique golf tournament. In either June or July each year at midnight play starts.
I only stayed at Balfour Castle for two nights, I had to ask the owners if the pile was haunted, I had my reasons, they said no. Well I believe it is and well I know it is. As on the first night I was woken by the bedspread being pulled off and then I was pulled out of bed. I was the only person in the room. I was most definitely not dreaming. It was so exciting!! A friendly ghost I wanted to tell everyone about it. Stuff me no one believed me. B******S. Even my own brother cast his eyes up and told me not to say anything to his friends. As if I was making it up to be interesting. I am glad I never told him about all the weird and unworldly (lovely word) things I have seen and experienced.
I am willing to listen to anyone who has had an interesting experience in life with the things that do not exist but do.
Change subject. I have a beautiful German Shepard Dog called Jerry Lee whom my partner Tom named after the K9 police dog Jerry Lee in the movies of the same title K9... Staring James Belushi. My Jerry Lee is 3 years old and we obtained him from a rescue centre. He poor darling had been found as a stray, very underweight and as he is a long haired GSD very matted. Some of his hair was cut to remove the knots. We visited the centre the first day he was up of adoption. I consider we were lucky to get him. He has been with us three months now. Last September we had to put our darling 14 year old GSD Cassie to sleep. The usual thing with GSD their hips go. Cassie could not walk and was not well. I so missed having a dog around and the companionship that we just had to get another one.
England is out of the cup. Really tough. I am an Australian living in Scotland so I am not too bothered. But I really have my doubts about the ref's decision.
Got to take Jerry Lee out for a walk.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

The others

The others are those nasty things that go bump in the night, morning and anytime they please. Who said ghosts whatever are restricted to night-time?
Why is it that you have to call on angels but not these little and big buggers. An angel will go away when not wanted. But try to get rid of these it is so much easier to move house and that is what I did.
I was living in an old house, new house just don't rate as a good haunt unless it has been built over some nasty place, ie, plague pit, 17th or 18th century hospital or even a good hanging ground. Then there is a possibility. But these are in the UK and I am going to talk about a house in Australia. Adelaide the capitol of South Australia, which makes a change from Melbourne or Sydney.
This house was divided up into flats and mine was a very small. The first thing that happened which puzzled more at first was the light bulb in the kitchen exploding. I have never heard of one doing such a thing. The light had been on for sometime and as I was entering the kitchen...Boom, yeah boom and glass flew everywhere! I at first put it down to an electrical surge. Could not think of any other cause...Then.
Then the next incident was that my coffee cup decided to commit suicide by jumping off the table. I was not touching it; did not knock it anyway. It just literal jumped in the air, over the table edge and shattered completely on hitting the carpet.
What finally made me move was my bed being used as a walkway through the flat.?
I was woken up by a high pitched noise. The bedroom was not in total darkness as the curtains were partly open. Something and all I saw was a darkish shape/shadow that stepped through the wall at the head of the bed, I was in the bed still, it had weight to it and I felt it move the bed as it then took two steps to the end of the bed and leaped through the closed window.
Me? I was brave. I too vacated the bedroom and spent the rest of the night in the lounge with the lights on.
I figured if there are things that go bump in the night then there are angels.


Angels a boring subject? No. They are the new way to find inner peace. They have been appearing in many forms for some years or so now and for a reason. Well I am assuming so.Any one noticed their come back in art, decorations and garden statues, move over gnomes. Then there are the books, seminars and courses in reaching the real item. Why the interest? Why are they making their comback in such a big way. Have we got something to worry about? Will we all be needing their help? Assuming that you believe they exist. I do and I also think that this world will need them. I want the world to change, I do not care much for all that is going wrong and there does not seem to be anyone or thing around to make much difference. We need to change our way of thing and become not so stressed at the same time, I know I do.