Saturday, August 26, 2006

Council bribe?

To my utter surprise the Council has sent me a cheque for £500.00! In full and final settlement of my complaint as well a moving costs. Well it was nice to get the cheque but I will only accept it for moving costs. I spoke to my local MSP and she said no-one gives you £500.00 unless they have done something wrong. She suggested that I continue with my complaint to the Ombusman but not to cash the cheque, just back it.

Meanwhile in China, those evil and cruel people murder dogs to stop a rabies. So a handfull of people died and 50,000 plus dogs have to die. Even those that have be vacinated against rabies. The dogs dare either beaten to death or strangled. All this happens in the street. Dogs are even dragged from their homes and killed in front of their owners. Other have been taken as the owners are out walking them.
The animal rights group PETA have been making headway and some provinces have stopped the murder. Killing the dogs is not getting rid of the rabies problem.

I am boycotting all China goods that I can and I hope the Olympics is a failure better still it should not be allowed to go ahead.

If we can believe Nostradamus, China is heading for destruction. Do I hear Saint Francis applauding?

Friday, August 25, 2006

Council Bribe?

The Council has sent me a cheque for £500!! I quote "towards your moving costs withour prejudice and in full and final settlement of your complaint."
Well I do not trust the Council.
I just so happens that the local MSP was inthe area and I made an appointemt with her. She said tha tno council makes a payment of $£500 unles they had something to hide or cover up. She was of the opinion that I should follow my path to the Ombusman. So I will bank the cheque and lodge a complaint with the Ombusman.
All I want is that they acknowledge that David Rae overstepped his authority and did the wrong thing.
When push comes to shove will they support him? I doubt it. I want his head/job.

Council Bribe??

The Council has sent me a cheque for £500 for "moving costs and in full and final settlement of your complaint".!!
I felt very uneasy reading that.
It just so happens that a letter came from my local MSP came saying she would be visiting the area and would I like an appointment with her. Of course I would. So to day she visited my home. I told her that I had intended wanted to lodge a complaint with the Ombusman. She said that was a good idea. Anyone that or rather any Council that offered £500 was in the wrong. So going with my instincts I will bank the money and appeal to the Ombusman. We also discusseded previous problems that I had with the council.

On Wednesday Tom and I posters of Katie Kat and within 3 hours we got her back. A women and son knocked at our door asking if the kitten they had found was her.. OH IT WAS KATIE.
As I did not have any money on me I could not give them a reward but I wwill on payday.

Katie Kat has stayed close to home these last few days. She is sleeping my chair in the lounge at this moment.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Katie Kat

Tom and I put up posters around the village in the hope we would find Katie Kat and yes it was successful. A women and with two boys brought her round. The lady said they had found her down by the shore font. I have to accept what she said. Katie Kat did smell rather nice though.
I intend to get her a collar and put her name and address on it. Just in case.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Katie Kat where are you?

Tuesday lunch time Katie Kat went out the back door and has not been seen since. I am beside myself with worry. She has never been gone long before. When she did not turn up for her teatime meal I was concerned. No sign of her late evening and I was in a panic. Now it is Thursday and I do not know what to think. Tom has been looking for her. I hope she has not been hurt nor taken by someone.
The not knowing is terrible.

Friday, August 11, 2006

PETA thanks

PETA is a animal rights groupd that I support. They do an amazing job fighting for animals around the world. They were there in New Orleans for the stranded pets and other animals. Now their members are bravely helping in Lebanon. Bringing food and water to those pets left to fend for themselves. Others they have taken to safety. Sadly they cannot help everyone
but at least they are making the effort.
How many people would be willing to go into a war zone to help animals in distress?
God bless them.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Problems of the world

In my part of the world I worry about my dispute with the evil Council and my cat bringing in fleas. Katie Kat has been defleaed but not before she transfered some to poor Jerry Lee who is alergic to the monstrous things. Johnstons flea treatment could not hold up under the flea onslaught. It had done well up until now. Because Jerry Lee is alergic to the fleas we have been treating him on a regular basis as advised by the vet. Because Katie Kat is a kitten we have had to be careful not to posion her inadvertently with the flea treatments. Maybe she is not totally to blame, the hot weather probably helped the flea population and add to that Jerry Lee himself has not been very well. After over a week of fighting the monsters Jerry Lee was in distress again and back to the vet to get Frontline flea treatment at 20.00 pounds a go. Plus doing the whole house twice. Problem solved!
Well kind of...Katie Kat has a runny nose, so we had better keep an eye on her.

In other parts of the world Iraqi looks to be heading for civil war. The Lebanon is paying the price for permitting Hezbollah on is lands. Syria and Iran watching the situation with great interest I would think.

My problems could be worse.