Monday, July 24, 2006

I hate the Council

On Saturday I received the review of my complaint re Rae/Nash. I am angry at this some of the thing that have been written. Of course they want Rae to smell of roses and I am just a bitter bitch.
David Rae has not got the guts or integrity to own up to what he said and of course that women who names eludes me who sat in on the meeting will back him up. Well she has to preserve her job as well.
McLellan did not even sign the letter with the report. No his legal rep signed it. S.M. who I consider to be a bad person.
The whole Council are made up of people who do not have any worth.
The reoport says that we are on the transfer list. The council will also contribute to the cost of our moving. They do not say how much. As the housing stock is to be transfered soon to ACHA will the Councils offer (without prejudice) hold? As I do not trust them I will have to write again and get clarification as well as make sharp notes on some things they have in their report.
Tom is sick of the whole matter and just can not be bothered. Me, I rage on.
But they do dacknowledge prodecure was not followed and there was no paper trail nor proper reporting. Also that we were not informed of our rights of appeal is acknoweledged.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

What to do next?

It could well be the weather as I just can not seem to decide what to do next regarding my problems...mostly concerning the Council.
I do not like where I live and on enquiring where I am on the transfer list I received an application form and a short note to say 'complete it.' So much for Mr. Nash saying that he had put me on the list. I am not surprised. Yet it does give me more evidence that they can not be trusted at any level.
Katie Kat hasn't gotten much bigger. When she was a little kitten she looked like she had black fur but it has changed to a rich dark brown. A little white patch under her chin and one her belly and a splash of white on her front right paw. Her legs do not seem to be as bandy. I think she will be a little cat like her mother. She gets her bandy legs from her mother, who has very bandy legs.
Today Katie Kat discoverd how to get in the kitchen window, I had been leaving the back door open for her maybe I will leave the window open and encourage her to use it.
Last week she gave me a fright, I could hear her meowing and I found her on the roof of the porch. She had sqeezed out of a window in the lounge and fallen onto the porch roof. Our house is stupidly built. The main bedroom downstairs by the front door, the lounge and kitchen on the first floor and the bathroom and smaller bedroom on the top floor. Yeah got to climb two flights of stairs in the morning to get to the bathroom. Anyway Tom had to climb out of the window onto the roof to rescue her. I hate to think what might have happened if she had climbedfdcd out of one of the other lounge windows as there is only a small window sill and it is quite a drop to the ground.
At the moment she is busing herself with knocking what she can off my desk.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Sunny day

After a week of rain it is good to have a nice sunny day for my birthday. So I sit an think where do I want to be in a year from now. One thing is for sure not in this damned house. I hate this house and the village but apart from wanting to go to Austalia I can not think of a place here in the UK I want to be. I also have a dog and cat to consider. Transport fee and quaranteen for them...oh the cost. I will have to put that on the back burner.
I am going to do a yoga course and it is with the hope of getting fitter and improving my health.
So now I am going to take the dog for a walk in this lovely sunshine, sit down by the sea and not think of any problems but just be and enjoy the view.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A response from Them

The Cheif Executive has gotten around to writing me a brief note/letter, I will have his decision by the 21st at the latest. I can hardly wait.
R has not actual answered my letter but I did get a transfer application form to complet so I gather that I have not been added at the behest of GN. So do I bother to write again and find out who is being truthfull? Did GN tell DR to put our names on the transfer list and Dr did not or did GN never tell DR to?
Does it really matter. Naw.
The problem being now...where do I want to move to?
Australia is looking really good.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The council

I have not had anything more from the Council regarding my complaint and it has been over a month, more than enough time form them or rather the Chief executive to have come to a decision. So I have written again. They have one week then I will make an appeal to the Ombubsman.
Katie Kat has grown just a little bit bigger and she is not as bandylegged. Her front legs are a little bowed but they do not stop her from leaping tall buildings. She had discovered that she can leap up onto the kitchen work surfaces. My one fear being her getting onto the stove top.
She has tried to get into the oven when I have opened the door to take out cooking, she does not seem to register the heat coming out and I have had to push her away quite firmly. Try to stop her from doing something and it seems to make her want to do it more. She now curls up with Jerry Lee, who will tollerate her for awhile before getting up and moving away only for her to follow him and curl up once again.