Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Nice to be alone

Tom has gone away for three days and I am really enjoying the time alone. I have even taken Jerry Lee out for more walks than usual but that could be because the weather is nice and to stop him mopping. Talk about looking hang dogged. Tom left by the back gate and Jerry Lee had been sitting by it waiting... oh the poor love.
I did tidy up the garden so keeping Jerry Lee company in his gate vigil. Katie Kat has been having a great time pouncing on me as I weeded.
A quiet few days and if it is sunny tomorrow I might even sit in the sun.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Days so fast

This year has gone so fast and I am amazed that I have been at my present address nearly a year and I hate it here. I can not move because the Council will not let me go to where I want to and where I can move to, I do not want to go. So I am still in this hateful place. I have been really seriously thinking of returning to Australia sans Tom. Each day is an effort even taking Jerry Lee for a walk is a burden most of the time. I do not care how many times om tells me it is good for me to get out and waling the dog is good for me, I just don't think it helps.
It is getting close to a month and no decision from the Cheif Executive of the Council. Which is no surprise considering what the staff are like.
Each one of them is reaping some crap Karma and each will regret it.
What have I done to incure all this hassel? What did I do in a past life to go through this? Perhaps nothing and it is just a lesson in life.
It has been raining these last few days after over a week of lovely sunny weather. Maybe the winter blues are back.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

World Cup

I am enjoying watching the World Cup and I do have the hope that Australia will make it through to the next round. As for it winning the Cup, well I do not hold out much hope of that. Good to see Angola doing well. Rather amazing that their goalkeeper does not have a club to play for. I hope that someone sees his talent and signs him up. I do not want Brazil or Argentina to win, other than that I am not bothered who wins. I like Italy but I do not think they have any chance unless they really pull their socks up. England? Yeah it would be nice for them but they need to improve their game a little bit more. But what do I know?
I note that French sailors are around the village. There are four large ships in dock, one being French but I have no idea what the others are. Got to find my binoculars and chekc them out.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Response

The Council or rather J. McLellan has replied to my letters. So now he is looking into the matter. I expect nothing from him as he is the head of a useless and corrupt Council. If he is not aware of how his depatments are run... Now I wait.

The last couple of days the sun has made an appearance, so I expect it will rain at the weekend.

Katie Kat is once again braving the outside world, iif is fun to watch her as she carefully stalks through the neighour's long grass that was once a lawn. I have had to keep an eye on a the resident neighbourhood cat. A large black and white tom that acts like it owns all the gardens around and maybe he does as I have not seen another cats. He has been watching Katie Kat from a distance rather intently. Still being a kitten and female she is not a threat as yet to him. Got to get her neutered soon.