Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

I decided to cook this Christmas so Tom and I did last minute shopping just for food. By the time we got to the third supermarket I changed my mind about how much cooking I was going to do. The cakes and deserts got ditched as did the turkey. I had already decided to keep the beef dish which will be great I hope. Tom picked out a frozen chicken dinner with stuffing in place of the turkey. So that justs needs to be heated up. I had planned to cook a cake for the heck of it but Tom took a packet of chocolate sponge mix of the shelf. 'This will do' he says.
This will also be the first Sunday lunch/dinner I have cooked in years as well. It will probable be so for a few years to come.
We even brought a Christmas present well two actually. One for a friend who has proved to be a good friend and a gift for her darling 3yr daughter.
As we do not normally celebrate Christmas as such this is an occasion. Is it a subconcious omen?
No matter God bless all.
Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Trial adjourned

My trial has been adjourned on the advise of my solicitor, so now I have to wait until January 23rd for it to be all done with. The trial was meant to have started monday but the witness statements arrived Friday before. Talk about a whitewash. Not a swear word or threat passed her lips. I do so pray that truth will win out but evil seems to win most of the time. I do believe that in the long run the evil that Gillian has done will bite her hard. Her karma will catch up to her.
I can only pray and tell the truth.
I am just so very tired of late. Just getting up is a chore in itself.
I haven't heard from the Inspector as yet. Can he be trusted?
As for the Council they are corrupt. Nothing will change my mind about them. As for the Anti-Social Behaviour guy he did not keep any notes of any of his meetings with the council. These were important meetings, deciding the fate of people's lives so to speack and he didn't keep a note! Just makes me sick.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Ring ring Inspector here.. oh yeah

Talk about embarrassing oneself. The phone rang and what seemed a vaguely familiar voice said this is Inspector Steinhouse from the (did not catch what he said) police. Thinking it was my friend Joseph I cut in and said oh yeah and something else equally stupid . The male voice continued "oh is Clow a man?" I suddenly realized that this was not Joe. And said so "Your not Joe Who are you?" I asked and rather patiently the voice answered "I am Inspector Steinhouse(I think that is his name not sure even now.) and he was from Helensburgh. He had just got back from holidays and found my letter on his desk. He must have been on long service leave! Had a little chat about my letters then I asked him is he had anything to do with Garelochhead Police Station and wow; my; great; hurray, he was their boss. So I asked if I could give him details of my woes and he invited me to see him at his office. So the background list I had made up for my solicitor ended up on his desk.
I will give this for him he had people skills, he listened but a cop is always a cop. He will get in touch with me at a later date. At least he said he would look into the various matters for me. I will not hold my breath but at the very least some will have to justify their actions. Of course I hope for more but I am dealing with a cop here now.
I also saw my solicitor and the witness statements are not available from the procurator fical office. Dumb name that procurator fical. Now is it a good thing or a bad thing no witness statements? The trial is due to start next week. I am still maintaining my not guilty plea. They can go hang if they think I will change it. I never threatened that lying evil woman. Devil spawn that she is.
Her karma is not going to be nice and to make it worse for her she is encouraging her daughter in evil ways. How to lie and seemingly get away with it and how to persecute and bully someone. Well the theory has been put forward that it starts in the home. Well this brat of hers is learning from a mistress at it.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Cough cough and more

It has been one of those downer weeks. An annoying cough that clings to me and laughs at cough medicine.
Letter from Tom ex-lawyer justifying himself. Is it worth the hassle taking it further. In one sense it is but then again it will all be a whitewash and a waste of time.
The there were two letters from the police regarding information and of course they hide behind numerous regulations. To add insult they said certain forms were enclosed and naturally there were none. So another letter to the police requesting said forms.
Also a letter from the District procured Fiscal one Andrew Miller, of course refusing to give any real information but in his letter he wrote and I quote:-
"available evidence was not sufficient to establish the high standard required by the Scottish Courts......"
What a heap of sanctimonious pap! High standard indeed?
it seems that here in Scotland you can threaten someone with a knife and more than likely nothing will happen to you but... Oh but if you yell at someone who has been well terrorizing you... My goodness the police will grab you by the short and curlies and pound you into the ground. With the full force of the blackened heart of the law behind them you will go to court and be fined at the least.
I believe that the police play favourites. Many here have hearts that are blackened by their actions.
With the positions that they hold comes responsibility. Justice may not be seen to be served in this life but everyone will have to justify everyone of there actions to the Lord and to God.
I am concerned very much so about how I will fair up in the final accounting. We all should be.
The days of darkness are approaching and fast. I am not referring to the winter nights either.
By 2007 the world will be at war. Good and evil battling it out for the hearts and souls of everyone on this earth and others in the various heavens/hells.