Thursday, January 27, 2005

One more step

The Guantannamo 4 are now free. But are they free in their minds? What hatred has built up in their souls? Is there a desire for revenge? I have no doubt that there is. Humans are like that. Will they now be more than willing to help the radical Muslim cause because of what they have gone through? If they were not that way inclined before what is to say that they are not now. How many of their family, friends and even strangers have been turned by the indignation felt at what has happened to them and the belief that they were innocent of any allegations against them?
What were they really doing in Afghanistan? How stupid of them to be there at that time if they were there innocently. They should have got out of there. Was it a sense of solidarity with their Muslim brethren? We will never know the truth of the matter.

I do not care what the truth of the matter is. It is only a small dot in the scheme of life. The world is quickly moving towards the conflict between the two biggest religions and there is no stopping it.

Isaac and Ishmael locked in combat.


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