Sunday, October 24, 2004

Jerry Lee

Jerry Lee is my beautiful German Shepherd dog. A handsome boy with long hair. Named after the K9 Jerry Lee of James Belushi movies.
Now it rains here a great deal. Scotland is not know for its weather only the lochs and mountains, oh aye and the bagpipes and the viocious peat-eating haggis which have gone into hibernation.
Jerry Lee needs plenty of walks as he is so active and he needs a minimun of four walks a day and this equates to a lot of towels needed to dry him off. He does not like the heavy rain but will tolerate showers. Avoids deep water and stays out of the sea (probably reminds him of his baths) but will happily splash in puddles. Then add the mud. This week his towels where three wash loads worth mind one a couple of occasions it two two large towels to dry him off and he stands so patiently for it to be over and done with. Perhaps he enjoys it a little bit? The moment you're finished he is of and onto his couch for a long sleep.


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