Friday, March 31, 2006

Life goes on.

My husband's stepfather has died and his funeral is on Monday. I have never met him but Tom's mother has asked me to go, so I will. Because this man was in a Lodge there will be a memorial and a good turn out is expected. People will say nice things about him and be sad he has gone.
His stepchildren will outwardly show, for their mothers sake, a suitable expression but inside their feelings are the opposite. They will punch the air with glee and celebrate that the bastard is dead. Hoping that now he is dead he will get his just deserts and no fluffy cloud for him to sit on and play a harp.
Oh no Tom's younger brother has the scars on his back and buttocks where the belt lashed and bit into flesh.
Now the Mother no longer has to fear either.
The Bastard was not punished in this life for what he has done but now, now he will be.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Kitty has claws

Mimmy the kitten has sharp claws and teeth like needles. My hands and arms bare the scares of her teething and my legs, scratches from her climbing up them. She is not spitting as much at poor Jerry Lee who has been very well behaved around her. Thank goodnes.
She is fun. She is so tiny but quite a handful. I have to walk carefully so not to step on her.
Then there is the keyboard. Trying to write with her around is a feat in itself. My moving fingers are just toys to pounce on. I put her on the floor and ouch ouch she is climbing up my legs again.
I give up
End of blog.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Mimmey the cat

I now have a kitten much to my surprise. Tom got her from a friend and the wee thing has slightly deformed front legs. I like cats a lot but I also have a very large german Shepard dog what was Tom thinking about?
I do not leave the kitten and dog alone together as I am not at all sure about Jerry Lee, the dog.
Mimmy spits at him and even gives a few cat growls and so far all Jerry Lee has done is to stare at her. He did bark once but she had batted him on the nose and spate as he was much too close.
She is black with a white tummy quite a few white hairs on her back and ears. on her right front paw she has two white toes.
At the moment she is investigating the computer table.
I do hope the two of them get on.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Give us a break

I was really annoyed today, Tom as well. After trying for nearly four months to get a matter back into court, the delay because Tom's ex solicitors dragged their feet in telling the Courts that they no longer acted for Tom, we wrote to the courts a week ago for a hearing date. Today we received a letter informing us that the matter had been heard the 23rd of last month and was now dismissed from the lists. Nobody had bothered to inform us. I am sick to damn death of the frigging Scottish Courts. Justice they do not know the meaning of the word. The damn Court may it be struck be lightening.

I feel like writing a damming letter to the fat prig of a Procurator fiscal and tell him that I consider him and his courts to be totally inept and corrupt.
Considering you can not trust the police is it no wonder.
May karma bite their bums.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Beyond Olive's capabilities

A couple of weeks ago my husband and I had a meeting at the local Council with a head of department Mr Nash and a person called Olive took notes. I have just received the draft of the meeting and I hit the roof. I was enraged. Incandescent with anger.
Olive was and is a stupid incompetent women who should be fired out of a cannon in into a dung heap.
At great majority of what Olive the stupid women recorded was either wrong, made up or misleading. She had written that I suffered from ME and had hepatitis A!!! I do not have ME nor do I have hepatitis A and neither does my husband. So where the hell did she get that from?? I do have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome but she had not written that down anywhere. But worse she had written that my husband had been charged with various offensive that he had not been charged with let alone done or even been spoken to by the police.
She even quotes a Mr Rae who was not even at the meeting.
So I have spend two days correcting the draft. It will go back to her with a very terse letter stating what I think of her abilities. Also a letter to Mr Nash and when I see him again in just over a week, I will voice my corrections as well.
That stupid incompetent women had better not be there.
Just to add to my anger my neighbour continues to play his music at a deafening volume.
I would like to lock him in a room and play dripping water sounds to him for a week.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Tired just tired.

I am very tired lately. This last week has been a struggle just to get out of bed. I do have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and this week has been the worst it has ever been. Yesterday we went for a drive to Strathclyde Park. Lovely place, took Jerry Lee of course. Try as I might I could not walk far. CFS is not fun I can assure you. Just lifting a foot up and it feels like lifting a heavy weight. Just a very bad day and week.
The park was lovely, the day sunny but the wind was bitterly cold. We had forgotten to bring a camera, we like to take photos of Jerry Lee so missed some great shots of him. There is a lake at the park and it was frozen over in some areas. Surprisingly Jerry Lee paddled in the water as normally he does not like water. He did not go more than paw depth in.

Luckily nothing important as yet that is to attend to this week. Hope it is not a case of 'famous last words.'