Friday, July 29, 2005

Quick work

All the so-called failed suicide bombers have been caught and the speed at which the investigation went is rather startling. Dumb idiots must have left a trail a mile wide. Unfortunately there will be others waiting in the wings for their turn to blow themselves to kingdom come. Will those that are to come and I have no doubt there will be more, target other cities or towns around England? Or will the turn their attention to some place in Wales or Scotland?
Even the IRA did not bother with these countries. What a surprise the IRA have at last stated they will get rid of all their armaments and what a time to choose. Personnally I think they should hang on to them for the future war with another religion which I believe is coming. Forget about a united Ireland, will not happen. What Protestant wants to live under rules based on the Catholic faith? But the chances of coming together to fight a common foe (not the English) are getting better.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


With all the terrorist incidents that are happening around the world I cannot but think that the possibility of a war is getting closer. How can this terrorism end? Will they just give up their ideology? No way..This can only escalate and more countries will fall victim. We must prepare ourselves for worse to come. This was I believe predicted... No promised...In the Bible. Read the book of Revelations. It is rather worrying.
Nostradamus that famous guy of the confused quatrains wrote about these times. As did a couple of Catholic nuns.
Life goes on as most people think/hope that it will pass like all other phases.
There are other types of terrorists, ones that live close by and are called neighbours, that go out of their way to hurt and discredit for the hell of it. They take a dislike for a reason that only they really know. Gillian Giles is such a vindictive creature, going so far as to make up allegations and lying on oath to the police. Why? She in trying and succeeding to get at one person has hurt five in the process. She has also taught her daughter how to lie and deceive, what a good example she is. Gillian should remember that there is karma to be paid. Not just in this life but in the next, so she will suffer in a hell of her own making. Knowing that still does not ease my anger or desire to box her ears. One feels so helpless. She has forced me to leave my home, rented from the local authority which she harassed as well, getting charges against my husband. I did not want to leave my home and the village, we had to leave the village we lived in. Now she is so proud that she drove Tom out...But what about me? I have my suspicions as to the root cause of the matter knowing her nature.
Terrorism is everywhere. Affects people in different ways. To be a victim of a bomb attack would to most seem worse than what I am experiencing but it is all relative. I too am hurting.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Back and more bother

I have been off line for sometime and life has been one long hasell. My neighbour from hell has given me...hell. My poor husband dared not go out on his own...not because he feared being attacked oh no! Much worse being accused of all sorts of things and having the police at our door. We shared a lawn area with our lovely neighbour Susan L. Tom and Susan were cutting the grass and strimming the edges...nothing sinister in that. Guess what the police turned up and watched for a few minutes, checking to see if Tom was stareing at the neighbour form Hell...Gillian Giles. She tried to get an injunction against Tom claiming he followed her daughter and was constantly swearing at her. That has been adjourned off for a trial. Also she claimed he watched them out the window.....what window? None of our windows face her house. The side of our house faceses her house and there are no windows on the side. We have supplied photographs to the court to show this. If we did want to watch her, we would have to streach our heads out our front windows and then be like Mr Fantastic and grow a long neck to see over her hedge. She has a tall hedge at the front.
After eleven months of this harrassment we decided to move and we have and still she had to stick the knife in and turn it.
Whilst driving the hire van Tom was stopped by no less than three...yes 3...cops cars. They had received a call that someone was driving without a licenece and possible stealing a van. The policeman who we have dealt with before was very reasonable and not really impressed to be used again. You would think she would be pleased to see us leave.
So far there are three outstanding court actions. Mediation is out of the question. We have even spoken to the local council to try and get to the bottom of her vindictive behaviour as she has put in numerous complaints regarding us. None of which has any basis.
Well she is creating really bad karma for herself but that does not make me feel any better. I liked my house and have good friends in Rosneath. But had to move just could not stand the constant harrassment. If she follows us here I will go and throw eggs at her door, with rocks in.