Friday, January 28, 2005

A lighter note?

Today I had a visit from the RSPCA. Someone had phoned them, anonymously and claimed that my German shepherd dog Jerry Lee was under weight and losing his hair. I have no doubt that it was my arch-enemy Gillian from across the road who was responsible for the call.
My Jerry Lee is not under weight, he is perfect for his size and he is not losing his hair. I have to admit that a couple of weeks ago I took him to the vet because he was losing his hair. It may be winter time but fleas yeah fleas are still about. Has to do with their life cycle and heating in houses. My poor darling Jerry Lee is allergic to the little blighters and had a very bad reaction so off to the vet he went.
He is covered by the PDSA which helps somewhat but I still have to pay for some medications and I do not begrudge any money spent on him. He had an injection, course of anti-biotics and eyedrops, one of his eyes was a bit weepy. Plus Frontline, £18 to kill all fleas that dare to come near him ever again. Then on top of all that a can of flea spray costing £23 to do the whole of the house. These bought from the vets. Then to help stop his itching a can of Tea Tree skin calm £3.17.
He is flea free, no itching and his eye is cured. His hair is growing back.
I showed the RSPCA Inspector his medications and paper work. I always keep these sort of things for future reference. Empty medicine containers etc. One of the odd things I do. Payed off didn't it. Jerry Lee is even micro-chipped so if he should ever get lost we would have a great chance of getting him back. The Inspector was happy with him. And not too impressed with people wasting his time out of spite. But they have to check out all reports and I do understand that.
I wonder what SHE will come up with next? Have I mentioned we go to court in March?

Thursday, January 27, 2005

One more step

The Guantannamo 4 are now free. But are they free in their minds? What hatred has built up in their souls? Is there a desire for revenge? I have no doubt that there is. Humans are like that. Will they now be more than willing to help the radical Muslim cause because of what they have gone through? If they were not that way inclined before what is to say that they are not now. How many of their family, friends and even strangers have been turned by the indignation felt at what has happened to them and the belief that they were innocent of any allegations against them?
What were they really doing in Afghanistan? How stupid of them to be there at that time if they were there innocently. They should have got out of there. Was it a sense of solidarity with their Muslim brethren? We will never know the truth of the matter.

I do not care what the truth of the matter is. It is only a small dot in the scheme of life. The world is quickly moving towards the conflict between the two biggest religions and there is no stopping it.

Isaac and Ishmael locked in combat.

Sunday, January 23, 2005


Is our fate penned on parchment? Is there a scroll somewhere outlining our journey through our earthly life? Is it stored in a library on the astral plane? Were we so foolish as to choose everything that has happened so far to us?
The answer is yes to the majority as it is to help us progress.
As our fate it so ordained so is the fate of the world.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Tsunami fatigue

The news media is still trying to milk the Asian tsunami disaster. Shops still have containers out for collections. I can not help wondering, knowing that there is a darker side to human nature, how much has been skimmed from the collections. It happens.
There will be more disasters this year and will we continue to give or will fatigue set in and people will say "Oh not another one"?
Karma is what this is all for. The world is paying for all the decadence and its materialistic attitude.
There was an advert for beer on the television. The setting is nighttime in winter, a snow covered mountain setting with pine trees and in a clearing there are masses of young people dancing to music played by a DJ. They are waving their arms in the air as when the beer arrives they are sprayed with snow. I found this advert very unsettling. Masses of humanity having a good time not caring about anything but pleasure.

Where is the world heading?

Friday, January 14, 2005

Who wants to be PM - careful

The UK elections will be sometime this year and I expect Labour to win. Not because they are the best and the other parties can not get the votes they need. If Tony Blair is not the leader (he should hold on to the position) then it mostly will be George Brown. Both are Scots, oh yes Tony Blair was born in Scotland. Nostradamus in on of his quatrains makes mention of a Scottish leader. If the time line is correct then Labour will win. Others will count their blessings that they were not elected.
Read Nostradamus, read many books about his quatrains then decided for yourself. The interpreters do not all agree on what they mean but there is a definite thread running through.
Now is the time to take notice of what is happening in this world.
We really do live in dangerous times. Not just from threats of terrorism and war but nature herself.
I refer to it as Mother Nature but she takes her que from God the Almighty.

Monday, January 10, 2005


The weather here in this part of Scotland is awful being damn windy and constant icy cold rain. My poor dog has had his walks cut time-wise no way do I want be be outside. More so at night. Bit of a break in the weather and I will make sure the walks are longer. I am so fed up with this weather. Except I believe that this type of weather is only going to get worse. In fact Mother Nature will continue to show that she is in charge of this earth and not us. The weather will the the least of our problems.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Why do things happen?

Many people can not understand why God lets such horrible things happen. It really is a question that only God can answer. We can only guess why.
Deeply sad as what has happened. The tsunami has brought about an incredible out pouring of love, help and giving from thousands around the world. Many people who themselves were caught up in the disaster have found within them inner resources and have unselfishly helped others.
Others have seen a need and traveled from their safe and comfortable homes to assist in any way they could. They had no idea what they could do only that they could and would help.
Often it is by adversity we progress. We learn lessons. If there is next time warnings systems will be in place.
Also the debts of the countries may well be cancelled and this can only be a good thing for them.
I believe in an afterlife/heaven where all will be reunited at the appointed time. Other wise it makes no sense.

Sunday, January 02, 2005


Did not get to do a blog yesterday. Could not get to use the computer. that is the problem with visitors that do not have their own computer, let them near one and they will hog it for ever. I and Jerry Lee the dog are the only ones up at present as they spent the night on the computer.
The year has started on a very sad note with the tsunami victims now being confronted with floods to add to their plight.
The person who has been sending e-mails saying that their loved one has died to relatives that are desperate for news should be made to bury the dead if he/she gets caught. Then who ever they are may change their evil attitude. What this person has done is unforgivable.
The way others have pulled together to help is just wonderful. Holidaymakers staying on to help rather than leave are to be commended. I only hope that they do not become to traumatised.