Haven't gotten an Easter egg this year, I usually get one, maybe get one tomorrow. I am not too bothered mainly because I have a cold and nothing tastes as it should. Got though winter without a sniffle and now I have one big time. Well the weather has been so changable. A week ago it was lovely, sunny and very warm, great then this was followed by snow. I could hardly believe it as the day changed, sleet, rain, snow, back to sleet and then snow again. It was so cold.
At 3am this morning I went into the kitchen to get a drink and I glanced out the window, wow! There was low hanging cloud and they were tinged GREEN. It looked incredible, I told my other half and he did not believe me at first, then he saw the clouds and went out the front to see if they were the same and yes they were. The sky had a green tinge to it. Was this the Aura? It has been seen in the sky for awhile now. Looked great.
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