Man flu
Tom has the flu and of course he has been a dying duck for the last week. Too ill to do anything but moan and groan. Now I have got the flu but I am expected to clean the house, do the chores and take the dog for his walks. Of course my flu is not as bad as his.
Today I am not doing any cooking, I've told Tom and I expect he will have a pizza as I do not see him doing any actual cooking.
He is snoring his head off on the sofa at the moment so I will have to take Redd out for his walk as usual. I usually enjoy tasking Redd out but I just do not feel very well. I ack all over, have a headack and the snuffles. I am at the begining of my flu and Tom is getting over his but you would not know that to listen to him.
But the Redd has to go for his walks. A short one just around the block will have to do.