Sunday, September 21, 2008

Man flu

Tom has the flu and of course he has been a dying duck for the last week. Too ill to do anything but moan and groan. Now I have got the flu but I am expected to clean the house, do the chores and take the dog for his walks. Of course my flu is not as bad as his.
Today I am not doing any cooking, I've told Tom and I expect he will have a pizza as I do not see him doing any actual cooking.
He is snoring his head off on the sofa at the moment so I will have to take Redd out for his walk as usual. I usually enjoy tasking Redd out but I just do not feel very well. I ack all over, have a headack and the snuffles. I am at the begining of my flu and Tom is getting over his but you would not know that to listen to him.
But the Redd has to go for his walks. A short one just around the block will have to do.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Gettting better

My knee has improved a great deal, still need the knee bandage but at least walking is not painful anymore.
Redd had improved as well, he nolonger growls at Tom or bites him for that matter. He has made a few doggie friends and enjoys a bit of a romp with them, except when he picks a stone/rock up to bring home then he growls at them and defends his treasure. Holly a young black labrabor tries to get the stone from his mouth and it infuriates Redd. Holly seems to think it is great fun to be chased. This only happens at the end of the walk and we are heading home. Other doggie friends, older dogs, Issy, Toby, and Mackie leave him alone.
I have begun to lose weight, slowly but at least I am. I need to loose at least 4 stone. I am eating a lot more fruit and veg and I am drinking more water. I have yoghurt for breakfast, I never used to eat breakfast as I can not face much food in the morning, but yoghurt is I can stomack and I have an apple or banana when I get back from walking Redd. I have cut down on the bread I eat. It seems to be working.