We have a new German Shep called Redd. We had not planned to get another one so soon after losing Jerry Lee. But a friend phoned us to say that a couple whom we know slightly, were getting rid of their GSG, Redd, who is only 2 years old, seems the wife was getting afraid of him. They were his 4th owners. Seems Redd had growled at her and on one occasion nipped someone who tried to take his food away. I wonder what the reasons were behind the incidents. We have had Redd for a few days now and his is well behaved. Only a tendencey to bark at loud noises and people walking by the house which we are working on it.
He loves water, we were taking him for a walk and he saw the burn and in he went. Where it goes out into the sea is a pool and he loves it in there.
It is lovely having him.
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