Monday, September 03, 2007

Still missing Katie

I have just washed out Katies' litter tray and her food bowl but I have not put them away. A few of her toys are still out but I can not find her favourite toy mouse. I still miss her. I still expect her to pounce on my feet when I get out of the shower or bite my toes in bed, a favourite pastime for her. I still expect to see her curled up in the flower pot by the front door. Sigh!

Jerry Lee plonds on, a little wobbly now and then. At times he rushes down the stairs and falls headlong down the last few steps. Just so keen to go out for his walk. I don't know why but he want go out into the garden on his own and will not stay out on his own either. Happy to be out in the garden with us but when we go back in the house, in he comes.
Sleeps a lot now.


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