Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I have been depressed for a couple of weeks now, tears flowing rather easily. I have suffered with depression in the past and I hate it.
This time it is caused by the problems with my wrist and hand. Thousands of people break a wrist and it heals with no trouble but me I develope RSD, reflex sympatheic dystrophy.
Am I reaping a dose of Karma or just bad luck?
I have got a tiny bit of movement in my fingers but I sill cannot use my hand. Everything takes that extra effort.
What I need is a shortbreak in the sunshine.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Fed up big time

My wrist has developed complications, RSD Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. I am looking at at least 12 months before I get full mobility in my hand. The hand is the real problem. I am not happy.
Poor Katie Kat got bitten and it turned into an absess. Took her to the Vet and Katie bite me, the vet and the reseptionist, who was called in to hold Katie as I could not. Took her back to the vet for a follow up and took Tom with me this time. Katie behaved herself.
Add to all this Jerry Lee is losing the use off his back legs, it's a German Shepherd thing. Not sure how long we will have him for. The vet said months.
I really must have pissed off God.