Sunday, February 27, 2005

Rude people

What is it with people? I was walking my Jerry Lee and he is a friendly if somewhat aloof German Shepherd dog and basically ignores people as he is much more interested in the smells that are all around. We had just passed the local shop when this couple were walking towards us and the women said something to the man who then very aggressively said to me "That dog should be on a lead!"
Rather taken aback I replied. "I beg your pardon?"
To which he still aggressive repeated. "That dog should be on a lead."
As I could not think of a smart, witty or cutting reply I lamely answered "So what?"
Which triggered a snarling unintelligible answer as he passed by me.
Totally puzzled I just said. "He want hurt you."
Grouche's reply was lost as he and the women, who had not said a word, went into the shop.
I was dumbfounded who was that guy and why was he so unpleasant and rude to me, I had never seen him before.
As for my Jerry Lee at no stage was he even close to the couple let alone looking in their direction as a nearby wall had very interesting smells on it and had his complete and utter attention for a fair while. So he is a GSD they are nothing to be afraid of. It is a fact that those lovely dovely labradors bite more people than any other breed of dog whilst the GSD is well down the list.
Even though those dorks were concerned they had eyes so why couldn't they see Jerry Lee was walking away from them as he was more interested in the exciting scents on the wall.
Yes it bugs the hell out of me. No need for unpleasant behaviour to a total stranger.
There will come a time when they will have to account for their actions - not to me - but to a higher source and I wonder what his answer will be.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Headlong to what?

I think that time is going very fast and that we are on a road the fulfillment of Revelations. I have to mention Nostradamus at this stage because I believe that he supports the Bible in his quatrains. Syria and Iran are friendly in a way and when old Saddam of Iraq went to war with Iran which is Shiite only Syria did not support Sunni ruled Iraq. Now Iraq is Shiite controlled all we need now is for the three of them to be friends and we have the Temporal Kings of Nostradamus. Not good for the West and even worse for the surrounding Arab states. As for Israel.... not good.
Then Russia on friendly terms with Iran... This is not good either.
Take a look at the world and just think about all that is going on.
Do not forget to pray.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Syria waking up?

America makes noises at Syria in the belief that it can tell everyone what to do. Mainly because it has designated itself as the Big Brother of the world. Hey how many people get pissed off by their big brother? I do! I can not tolerate it when my brother tries to tell me how to run my life. Same thing with countries.
Syria is in no way related to big brother USA and takes the opportunity to remind the USA and the world that it is still in the Lebanon and that it does have a little influence in the area. Little influence? There is coming a time when it will have a BIG influence and will make many sorry they underestimated them.
I wish that America would pipe down a little as I personally am not yet ready to face WW3.
Apart from worrying about the international scene the local scene is a pain as well. No matter how hard one tries to ignore those that would do harm, they want to be recognized for the nasty a******s they are. Oh karma where for art thou?

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Marry? Not good.

Well Charles is going to marry his Mistress and foist her on to everyone. He in this case should relinquish his rights to the throne. Anyway I believe that he will never become King.
Camilla is a Catholic and the Royals are forbidden to marry one how did he get round that? Prince Michael of Kent had to give up his and his children's rights of succession when he married Princess Michael as she was a Catholic. So has Camilla become a Protestant?
Charles and Camilla have broken God's Commandments, have they asked for forgiveness? Are they even sorry they did brake them? Charles wants to be known as defender of faiths. This is also totally wrong. I am sure that the Muslims will not really be impressed that a Christian wants to defend their faith.
I have no respect for Charles.
I think this will be good for the Republican Movement in Australia. We should get rid of the Monarchy in regard to Australia.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Danger Danger

What on earth are the Americans thinking? Ms.Condaliessa Rice needs to back off quite a bit and give the world a breathing space. What was Bush thinking when he had the stupidity to threaten Syria and Iran? Does he want to start the Third World War right now? I very much doubt that the British will follow him this time, even Blair can not be that idiotic.
Is Bush - MABUS? His actions seem to give more credence to it now.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Successful elections?

The elections in Iraq seem to have been a success so can we all now for the time being that is breath a sign of relief and have the troops brought home?
The downing of the British Hercules was horrible and the elation of some Iraqis at the death of the soldiers does not make me feel very charitable towards that country.