Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Bye Bye beautiful boy

Sadly we had to put our lovely boy Redd to sleep.   Broke my heart.   He had been ill for over a year, going to the vets every month and sometimes twice a month.   Tried all sorts of treatment for colitis which is what the vets had diagnosed.   Took him in for a scan/x-rays as treatments were not working.   Hell they found a large lump on his liver.   The vets said that it was inoperable and he was in pain.   He had been in a little pain before and had been given tablets for what was believed to be trapped gas.    His liver was starting to stop working properly.    He would have been 15 in May this year.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Good and Bad Christmas times

Went to mother-in laws for Christmas and stayed the night.   The day did go well and she was happy with her presents and the dinner etc.  Did have a nice time.   The dog loved all the food he begged for.   He even got presents.
The bad part was going home.   As soon as we got in the noise went on for ten minutes.   I let the dog out into the backyard and guess what...bread and brussel sprouts had been thrown into the garden, I took photos of them, to show to the Council.   All evening the Noise had been going on and off.   What is that all about?   Are they upstairs doing it just to piss us off?  
Last week tom complained about the noise they were making at 6.30am, they, both of them came to our front door swore at Tom.   They then called the police who came and spoke to us.   We then went to the Council to lodge a complaint.   Do they know this and war has been declared?   They had told the police they want mediation, yeah right!!   So why the constant noise if they want to settle the problems?   Why can they not just be civilized and be reasonable?
I do want to move but t0 where?

Sunday, December 08, 2013


Well my mother-in-law told me that she was not getting us a present this year, she didn't last year so what was new about this?   She would get presents for her 'step-grandchildren'.   Why?   They do not give a damn about her!   When was the last time they gave her a present or even remembered her existence?   I am a little pissed off because, we my husband and I supply the Christmas Dinner and drinks.   Yeah we buy the turkey and extras  and the booze plus give presents, every bloody year.  Yeah we get the 'oh you shouldn't have' crap but if we didn't we are 'oh they forgot me' bull shit.   Really is it too much to ask for say a £5.00 gift just to be thank for spending £100 for her Christmas enjoyment?   She is not my mother and I am really beginning to resent having to put myself out for her.   But then I am fed up with my husband.  Thank God for the dog, him I love.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013


Had a bit of a fright at the weekend when I found someone had taken money from my account over £90!   There was a debit from Morocco I have no idea what it was about, worse it took my account into minus and today I received a letter from my bank charging me for being overdrawn.   As soon as I saw this debit I got in touch with my bank and they put me through to their fraud department and had my card cancelled so no more transactions could be made against it.   Happily the bank put my money back in and are now chasing up the fraudulent transaction.   Got a new card in the mail today.  Hell I am not going to pay the overdrawn fee it was not my fault I was overdrawn.  Better get onto the bank again.

Saturday, October 05, 2013


Still waiting for my ILA account to be set up.   Why does it take so long for things to get done?   Do they have that many applications that it takes over a month to get around to mine?  Just got to be patient.
Still not getting on with my upstairs neighbour, I do not think it will ever improve.  I would like to move but where to?  I would like a semi-detached house so I have no one living above me who could make life unpleasant.  If/when I move I hope whoever moves into this place is horrible and gives bugalugs upstairs a really unhappy time.   If it is karma what did I do to get such a neighbour?  I like to think it is just bad luck and nothing to do with karma  because not every thing is to do with karma.
No matter where you go there are always not very nice people who like to make other peoples lives difficult. 

Thursday, September 05, 2013

More to life

Lately my life has been evolving around my GSD Redd but now I have decided to do something.   With this in mind I have applied for my ILA  or Individual Learning Account.   There are a lot of courses I can do and the Government will pay for them.   Now I am looking for something not too far away as travel will have to be by public transport.    Will get me out the house and get my mind working again.   I have been so bored lately and discontented, I do not expect a course to suddenly make me feel on top of the world but it can only help.
I have even been going to the local library again and took out a couple of books at random just to read something different.   One book was okay a detective the other I just had to put aside I am not fond of horror stories.   Supernatural horror is okay but Amytville oh no too spooky for me.

Monday, September 02, 2013

My poor boy

My dear lovely Redd has colitis and has been back and forth to the vets for months.   He is on lots of medication and a strict diet, just rice and chicken but he loves it.   We have to wrap his tablets in chicken to get him to take them, makes it so much easier to get him to swallow them.   He is fourteen now which is a good age for a German Shepherd.   he enjoys his walks and get around really well, no problems with his hips or hind legs which is often a problem with the GSD.   Last weekend went to a GSD show, took Redd with us.   Saw some lovely dogs.   I never knew that you cold get blue and sable coloured GSDs.   Had a good time.