Thursday, September 05, 2013

More to life

Lately my life has been evolving around my GSD Redd but now I have decided to do something.   With this in mind I have applied for my ILA  or Individual Learning Account.   There are a lot of courses I can do and the Government will pay for them.   Now I am looking for something not too far away as travel will have to be by public transport.    Will get me out the house and get my mind working again.   I have been so bored lately and discontented, I do not expect a course to suddenly make me feel on top of the world but it can only help.
I have even been going to the local library again and took out a couple of books at random just to read something different.   One book was okay a detective the other I just had to put aside I am not fond of horror stories.   Supernatural horror is okay but Amytville oh no too spooky for me.

Monday, September 02, 2013

My poor boy

My dear lovely Redd has colitis and has been back and forth to the vets for months.   He is on lots of medication and a strict diet, just rice and chicken but he loves it.   We have to wrap his tablets in chicken to get him to take them, makes it so much easier to get him to swallow them.   He is fourteen now which is a good age for a German Shepherd.   he enjoys his walks and get around really well, no problems with his hips or hind legs which is often a problem with the GSD.   Last weekend went to a GSD show, took Redd with us.   Saw some lovely dogs.   I never knew that you cold get blue and sable coloured GSDs.   Had a good time.