Thursday, July 25, 2013

Overdoing it

My poor boy Redd, took him down to the loch and he had a great time swimming.   He loves to swim be it in rivers, burns, lochs and the sea but show him the bath and he heads for the hills.    He has been ill for quite sometime seven months but is getting better.   We thought a walk in the park would be good for him and a dip in the loch .   So much for a dip, in he went and he did not want to come out.    Stupid us we let him swim around for nearly half an hour before we headed home.   Nearly had to drag him away.   He so loves the water.    Half way home he started to lag a bit.   It soon became obvious that he was knackered.  So had to take a bit of time getting home.  Once inside he lay on his bed and went to sleep for a very long time.   Then he could not get up which put my husband in a brief panic.   Redd just needed a bit of help to stand.   It is taking him some time to recover but just like a human, overdo the exercise and suffer the consequences.  

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sunny day and cats

The sunny days have been a godsend, nice to have a summer for once.   Only problem my neighbour leaves her door open, I can not see it as it is at the front of the block and I am at the side.   I have to pass by to get to the front gate.   The problem is she has cats and my dog hates them, he sees them and wants to have a go at them.   I usually don't put him on his lead till I get the gate.   She has never left her door open before, so why now?   So just imagine if he chased them up her stairs, god I can imagine the foul language she would use.   Then again it might be funny.

I got my Reiki Masters, so pleased with myself.