Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Night Out

Went to the movies so nice to have a night out even if it cost a fortune.   Saw the Colin Farrell remake of Total Recall.   Great movie more a retelling of the Arnie movie rather than a direct remake.   It was just nice to go out.   Had a meal at Macdonalds because it was the closest eatery to the cinema and quick.   A Macdonalds is nice to have one in awhile.   Probably want go to the movies again till next year.
Wish it would stop raining for a couple of days the lawn really needs cutting.   Tom hates cutting wet grass.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Life goes on

I have been quite unwell for sometime now and am really sick of it so to speak.   Oh to be well and not in any pain would be so wonderful.   My doctor swears by blood tests is seems, how many more does he need to order?   Half a dozen in a month is a bit much, last time the nurse butchered my arm, god what a blood blister, it was huge.    Maybe the ultrasound will be of help.

All quiet on the neighbourhood front.  Jim upstairs has tried to be friendly I am not so inclind but Tom is happy to get on with Jim.  I will say hello and smile but no way will I acknowledge that women.   I do not think she wants to mend fences anyway. 

What weather, it would be so nice to have a few nice sunny days with no rain.