It had to happen
Well neighbour Jim installed a gate between our gardens, no surprise there but he forgot to fix the fence at the bottom of the garden as Redd can still get through into their garden. I told Tom he, Tom that is, had better fix it. He said he would get around to it. I still clean up doggydoo.
Friday Jim put my rubbish bin out, early much to my surprise, considering I had not put my rubbish in it I was a bit annoyed. Went out the front to put my rubbish in only to find my bin full of rubbish, Jim's I presume, so my bin was overflowing. Bloody cheek using my bin.
Saturday was a bad night. About 9.30 pm the noise started, someone thudding on the floor.
By 10pm an elephant was tying to come through the ceiling. 10.30pm Tom had had enough so had I. Tom went to Jim flat and a blond girl answered Tom complained about the noise and she said it was only her 4 year old daughter dancing. Really?? Tom came in and sat down and there was a thudding on the front door. Tom answered it and Janet, Jim's wife was there and she started screaming at Tom for complaining. I heard other people, Jim and two women had joined Janet so I Stood behind Tom and listened, Janet turned on me accusing me of hiding behind Tom, putting him up to complaining, and then told me to go back to England. She went on about the noise Tom had made on his computer at night. Last time he played on his computer at night was last November when Jim complained about Tom keeping him awake. The women had a go at Tom and he pointed out he did not play computer games at night. Janet continued to yell loudly she was so nasty, I said I was not English. Jim said it was only a 4yrold dancing. Then Janet called Tom a paedophile and reiterated it. Tom saw red he told her she had gone too far and he was calling the police. Jim hustled her way as i said how dare you say such a thing. She said she knew what he had on his computer. She said he heard him.
We went in and called the police the arrived about 11.20pm and we told them what had happened and we wanted Janet spoken to about her accusation. We told them we would be seeing the Council on Monday. The police also said they Jand J would most likely made complaints about us. we realised that but Janet can not be allowed to say such horrible and malicious lies. The police then went and saw them. It was so quite upstairs, we heard nothing, no yelling no raised voices. They most certainly were not in the lounge.
Peace reigned for the rest of the night but I believe that a war has started.