Friday, December 19, 2008

What weather

Interesting how the met office says this is the coldedst start to a winter in thirty years. Is there global warming? Does not feel like it here in the west of Scotland. We are lucky if we get a week of summer weather. All is does is rain nearly all year. Today it is 'bucketing' down icy rain. I have to go out in it 'cos I have to walk the dog. Oh well I suppose fresh air and walking is good for me.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Cold cold cold

I am already fed up with the cold weather and winter has only just started. Wish I was back in Australia where summer is just starting, perhaps next year. The cost of heating the house is just too high and we have to watch the meter. So for just a few hours a day we have the heating on. We are saving up for when the big chill hits Feburary usually.

The other day when it was icy it was fun to watch Redd as he scrabble on the pavement all four legs going in different directions, poor love. Mind it was rather dicy for me as well. We went past the burn and the dopey dog jumped in! Dumb dog, but he seemed to be enjoying himself and not notice the cold. Then he ran stupid on the beach. Got home rubbed him down and he was fine.