Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The new Inquistion

I read in the paper that a Muslim convert has taken the place of Omar Bakri Mohammad who is now banned from Britian because of his extremist and hateful views. The new fanatic is one Abu Izzadeen. Quite a few Muslim terrorists us the name Abu as a type of non de plume. This man is also known as Omar Brooks and wants Islam to be the dominant religion in Britian.
Well that will never happen. I do not see thousands flocking to become Muslims and nor do I see such an influx of immigrants allowed into the country to alter the balance.
Maybe he thinks that an antichrist will appear, as predicted by Nostradamus, and force people to change?
Bring in an inquestion like the Spanish and a case of die or convert? Nothing like a bit of torture to change someone...outwardly.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Lucky luck

This last week has been quite and lucky. Has getting a cat changed our luck, she is basically black. My neighbour has kept his music down and dare I say off. Tom has had a winning streak he went to the local pub put £25 in the slot machine and won £100. Just a day before he had won the £25 on another slot machine in another pub spending only £2 to get it. He normally loses and I forget when he last really won.

My new kitten has btearingeing around the house like a demon. She has plucked up courage and gone near Jerry Lee, attacking his very fluffy tail. Mimmie bites his hair and using her back legs seems to comb it. Jerry Lee tolerates it for awhile, watching her intently before either getting up or going to sleep. I no-longer worry that he might hurt her. He has ignored her patting his nose and batting ears, brave little thing she is. His head is twice her size. If she takes after the mother cat she will remain quite a small cat smaller, than Jerry Lee head.